Carlisle Station Gateway

Carlisle Station Gateway project is a £27 million strategic regeneration project included in the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal to revitalise Carlisle City Centre and wider Borderlands area.

Artist impression of Court Square

Cumberland Council is working in partnership with Network Rail and Avanti West Coast in the development and delivery of the project which includes:

Northern Gateway

Partial pedestrianisation of Court Square, providing a high-quality entrance to the station with improved pedestrian connections to the city centre.  The Northern station car park will close for public use and will be repurposed for staff, accessible parking and station servicing.

Artist impression of Court Square 2

George Square

A new southern entrance for the station will be created. All public car parking will be relocated to the south entrance to reduce the vehicular traffic at Court Square. Coach services, rail replacement services, additional taxi ranks and pick-up and drop-off facilities will also be relocated to the southern side of the station.

George Square - Phase 1 Masterplan (PDF 13MB)

George Square - Phase 2 Masterplan (PDF 15MB)

Artist impression of George Square car parking

Station Interior

An upgraded and welcoming entrance from George Square with works to the station undercroft to improve access into the station.  Secure cycle parking is also included.

Artist impression of George Square Piazza and new southern station entrance
Artist impression of improved station undercroft

Enabling Streets and Junctions

Junction improvements at Water Street and Court Square Brow to improve access to the station, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists.


  • Improvements to the Water Street / James Street junction will begin in September 2023, and are anticipated to continue until January 2024.   
  • Site clearance works required for the first phase of George Square including demolition of the 1970’s pools. building and former Staples retail unit will take place Autumn 2024 through to Spring 2024.
  • Planning applications for George and Court Square will be submitted Autumn 2023.
  • Construction of phase 1 of George Square is expected to commence in Summer 2024 with completion early 2025.
  • Court Square public realm work and improvement of the Court Brow junction is expected to take place in 2025.
  • The final phase of George Square will be delivered from Autumn 2025 with completion anticipated in 2026.

Court Square
United Kingdom