The Port of Workington benefits from marine, road and rail access and this connectivity means that these sites have significant potential to support future development related to clean energy and logistics.
£4.5million of Workington Town Deal funding has been allocated to this project. Due to historic uses these sites have contamination constraints and therefore investment is required to ensure they are available and ready to support future development.
There are two key elements to this project:
- The remediation of 5.75 hectares of land at Oldside
- The remediation of 2.74 hectares of land within the Port of Workington
The aims and objectives of the scheme are:
- the remediation of land at Oldsidewill facilitate inward investment and the generation of much-needed new employment opportunities
- the remediation of land at the Port of Workington and provision of a lay-down area adjacent to the current rail sidings will facilitate modal shift from road to rail and support the role the port plays within the local economy.
Port of Workington
Prince of Wales Dock
CA14 2JH
United Kingdom
If you have any questions regarding the projects, get in touch.