Apply for sixth form (Year 12)

There are different routes that you can follow, depending on where your child is currently studying in Year 11 and which school you are wishing to apply for in Year 12.

Before you apply

You should read our general admission policy for community and voluntary controlled schools (Year 12) to understand the process.  Read our general admission policy.

Each school will have its own requirements for entry into its sixth form and separate entrance requirements for each course. You will need to meet both the requirements for entry to the sixth form and the separate entry requirements for the course. You should contact the school to request this information.

Apply for Year 12 in the same school

You should speak with the admissions staff at your existing school.

You should be offered a place in Year 12 if you meet the minimum requirements for entry to your school's sixth form and you meet the minimum entry requirements for the course that you wish to undertake.

You can obtain more information about this from your school.

Apply for Year 12 at a different school

You should:

  • ask the school for a copy of its sixth form prospectus and application form or check the schools website
  • make sure that the course and the subjects you wish to study are provided by this school
  • find out about the "open evenings" for the sixth form and arrange to attend.

Community schools

Some schools may encourage you to apply early to enable them to plan the curriculum. Please check with the school about the closing date. 

If you apply after the school's closing date you will only be considered for a place after all those who applied on time have been offered a place. This may mean that all the available places have been offered to other students.

Academy, foundation voluntary aided or free schools

List of schools that offer sixth form:

St Benedict's Catholic High School, Whitehaven incorporates the West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre, commonly referred to as "Sixth Form @ St Benedict's" - a joint centre which includes post-16 students from St Benedict's and also from St Joseph's Catholic High School in Workington.

Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Other institutions

Other institutions, including further education and sixth form colleges, also provide 16 years and over provision. You may also wish to consider the courses that these can offer and consider applying for a place with them.

Search for colleges, schools and other providers on the UCAS website

Appeal against a decision

If you're not offered a place in Year 12 at your preferred school or academy you have a right of appeal against that decision. 

Information should be provided to you about the admission appeals process if you are refused a place.  If you want to submit an appeal against the decision to refuse to offer you a place at any academy, foundation, voluntary aided or free school, it should be sent to the clerk of the governing body for each school for which you wish to make an appeal.

If you wish to submit an appeal against the decision to refuse to offer you a place at any community or voluntary controlled school, you can through our appeal process.

School transport for students 16 and over

We do not provide subsidised transport for students that are 16 and over unless they fulfil criteria for assistance because of 'low income' or have Special Educational Needs.

Find out more about school transport.

You can also contact your preferred school to see if it has any transport arrangements in place that you may be able to access.

Contact the Schools Admissions team

If you are unable to find the answer to your query online, you can contact us.

  • Send a message
  • 01228 221582 (phone lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 3pm)



School Admissions and Appeals
Cumberland Council
PO Box 415
United Kingdom