Changing schools in Cumberland

The in-year application process is for children seeking to change schools during the academic year.

Things to consider when changing schools

You should consider that:

  • infant class size legislation limits class sizes to a maximum of 30 pupils by law in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, which may cause difficulty in moving children in these year groups
  • each school delivers parts of this curriculum at different stages and times during the school year
  • any transport implications - find out how to apply for school transport

How to change school

If you would like your child to change schools, there are two ways you can do this, you can either:

  • contact your preferred school directly
  • apply through us by submitting a SA8 form

Your child should stay at their current school until they have formally been offered a place and a confirmed start date at another school.

Contact your preferred school directly

We are no longer required to be involved in changes of school during the academic year, and schools can now offer places directly. This includes places at:

  • academies
  • voluntary aided
  • foundation or free school

You can contact your preferred school to find out what you need to do to apply.

Find a school in Cumberland

Apply through us

If you are applying for a place at a community or voluntary controlled school, you can contact the school directly or apply through us using the SA8 form.

Complete the form giving up to three preferences of schools. We cannot guarantee that you will get your first preference so it is important that you provide other options.

If you can't complete the PDF version, you can use the Word version:

After you apply

The length of time it takes to process an application varies in each individual case. 

You will get confirmation in writing whether a place is available. 

If your child already has a local school place, then the new school is not required to accept your child on roll until the start of a new term.

Any place offered must be taken up within six school weeks or it may be withdrawn and offered to another applicant.

If you do not get a place at the school

You will have the right to appeal.

How to appeal

    Contact the Schools Admissions team

    If you are unable to find the answer to your query online, you can contact us.

    • Send a message
    • 01228 221582 (phone lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 3pm)



    School Admissions and Appeals
    Cumberland Council
    PO Box 415
    CA1 9GU
    United Kingdom