We are not responsible for the content of external websites.
English resources
- Pobble365- suitable for KS2, 3 and 4
- Teachit - suitable for KS3, 4 and 5
- Teach it primary - suitable for foundations stage, KS1 and 2
- Twinkl - suitable for primary and secondary school age
- BBC programmes - suitable for children from 5 to 13 years old
- BBC education - suitable for KS2, 3 and 4
- Oxford Owl - helps support children's learning, both at home and at school
- Tes - provides a range of primary and secondary teaching resources
- National Curriculum - government guidance
- Literacy shed - aimed at primary-aged pupils and provides high quality films and animations to stimulate reading and writing skills
- Poetry 4 kids - offers funny poems, classic children’s poetry, poetry activities and a rhyming dictionary to support poetry writing
- Literacy Trust - offers resources for children from early years to secondary
- British Library - offers a range of fun online activities from storytelling videos to craft and play ideas
Math resources
- BBC education - free 'Bitesize' animations and interactive games online for maths
- Home School Maths - free resources and advice for primary aged children
- Mathletics - suitable for primary aged children
- Galore Park - suitable for primary and secondary aged children
- CGP Books - suitable for primary and secondary aged children
- Enriching mathematics for all learners - University of Cambridge
- UK ixl - Maths for all ages
- Khan Academy - free wide range of subjects
- Conquer Maths - step-by-step video lessons
- Open Education - free learning up to GSCE
- Citizen Maths - video lessons up to GSCE
- Mr T's Math Videos - for KS3 and 4
- Tes teaching resources - provides a range of primary and secondary teaching resources
- Corbett Maths Primary - collection of paid for resources for both primary and secondary schools
- Times Table Rock Stars - practice time tables for KS2
Other subject resources
- James Dyson Foundation - Coding for younger children, games and fun tasks by MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology-free
- Roots and Shoots - design technology and science
- ABC Education - great for primary age with fun activities
- Oak National Academy - lessons from across the curriculum by year group
- National Geographic - resources for history and geography
- BBC Teach - free primary and secondary school teaching resource
- Music Mark - home learning resource for music
Online safety
Read keeping children safe online from the NSPCC website
Careers platform
We have paid a licence fee to allow all home educated learners to access the U-Explore website with a registration code ‘HOMEED’.
Register on the U-Explore website
Careers advice for young people from the age of 13
On behalf of Cumberland Council Inspira provides careers information advice and guidance for Electively Home Educated (EHE) young people from the summer term of Y11. More general Careers advice from the age of 13 can be found on the web page below.
Help for 13 to 18 year olds on the Inspira website
Contact us
We are happy to discuss your decision or answer any questions if you contact us directly.