Get support for early education and childcare settings

Contact our Early Year team for advice and support for childminders, private voluntary and independent settings, maintained nursery, infant and primary schools.

The Early Years Team is responsible for ensuring that high quality early years and childcare provision, which is available and accessible to all families with young children. 

They offer support and advice to all settings that provide early education and childcare, this includes:

  • childminders
  • Private Voluntary and Independent (PVI) Early Years settings
  • maintained nursery schools
  • infant and primary schools

They also provide advice to registered Out of School Clubs that offer childcare.

They support the multi-agency early years strategy in Cumberland, working with partner organisations across Health, Inclusion, Early Help and the Voluntary Sector in order to improve outcomes for children across the county. This includes supporting our children's centres and working in partnership to develop a network of Family Hubs in partnership with communities.

They aim to listen and learn from all of our providers, as well as directly engaging with children and families in order to help make Cumberland the best place it can be to grow up in.

Find resources for childminders, Early Years and childcare provisions (Padlet)

Find business advice for Early Years providers (Padlet)

Contact details

Strategic Lead for Early Years

Katie Clarke


Early Years and childcare advisers

Andrew Young


Early Years advisers and area SENCOs

Elisabeth Bramwell


Karen Clarke


Rachel Hogarth


Emma Massy


Helen Parker


Karen Rutter


Susan Segar


Early Years and childcare project officer

Joan Bradley


Business adviser

Sian Horsley


Early Years finance officer

Deborah Percival


Early Years family support workers

Carolyn Forrester


Matthew Hancock
