Apply to be a chaperone (matron)

During a performance a child must be supervised at all times by a chaperone approved by us, unless they are under the direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian.

What you need to do

To apply to become a chaperone you will need to:

  • complete the application form
  • provide two passport sized photos
  • undertake some online Safeguarding Children training
  • attend an interview with the Child Employment and Entertainment Officer

The Child Employment and Entertainment Officer will need to undertake a number of checks, which include:

  • a DBS Check
  • a Social Care Records check

You will also need to provide two references. These can be from a current employer or your most recent employer.

Complete the application form

Chaperone application forms and supporting documents can be emailed to us.


Safeguarding children training

You can complete the awareness of safeguarding and child protection level 1 2023 to 2024 on our eLearning portal.

Register and begin your training (Cumbria Learning Pool)

Guidance on how to use the e Learning system

After you apply

Applications for chaperone approval can take approximately 8 to 12 weeks due to the number of checks which must be undertaken.  

Once issued, the chaperone approval is valid for three years.

To find out more about the role of a Chaperone read the guide for chaperones and performance licence holders