Who should apply
The organisation responsible for putting on the performance, and for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the children taking part, may apply for a BOPA.
The responsible organisation is required to meet certain criteria and demonstrate that they have clear, robust and well embedded safeguarding policies and arrangements in place to protect children.
The criteria for a Body of Persons approval are:
- the organisation must have complied with licensing and performance regulations
- all performances and rehearsals must take place in the area covered by Cumberland Council
- performances and rehearsals must take place outside of school hours
- no payment will be made to, or on behalf of the child, other than expenses
When you should apply
A BOPA needs 21 days notice to complete.
Apply for a BOPA
Fill in the BOPA application form and the contract.
You'll also need provide supporting documents with your application, these are listed in the form.
Email your application to us
Email: childemployment@cumberland.gov.uk
If you have a performance coming up
Submit your notification at least 21 days prior to the first date of the performance.
You can apply for a notification of performance at the same time as your licence - if you have a performance coming up.
You'll also need to provide a risk assessment for the performance and venue.
After you have applied for a licence
A BOPA certificate lasts for one year, but you must submit a notice of performance for every performance over that year.