Report a child who is not getting an education

If you know of a child or children living in Cumberland who you believe may be missing from education, you should report it to us.

A child missing education is a child who is not on a school roll and who has been out of education for more than four school weeks. This does not refer to children who may be truant from school, but children who are missing an education altogether.

The term children missing from education (CME) refers to all children of compulsory school age who are neither registered at a school nor educated otherwise (including home or privately educated).

Research has shown that children not in receipt of education are amongst the most vulnerable in our society and at risk of physical harm and exploitation, anti-social behaviour, substance abuse, crime and illegal employment.

The Department for Education requires each local authority to monitor and track children missing from education and to ensure that all professionals and the public, where appropriate, work together to safeguard these vulnerable children by ensuring they receive an appropriate education.

How to report a concern to us

We are concerned about any child living in Cumberland who is missing from education. It may not only be their educational attainment that is at risk, but also their safety and welfare. 

If you know of a child living in Cumbria who you believe may be missing from education, you can let us know through our form or contact the Children Missing from Education Team.

You do not have to give your name and all responses are treated confidentially. 

Fill in a notification of a child missing education (Family Information website)

Contact the team


Process for children from overseas

The process the Children Missing Education (CME) Officer goes through to determine the best action for a child or children who is from overseas.

Information is shared by agencies or the general public

If a CME1 form is completed the CME Officer will check the records against internally held information in education and social care to determine the best course of action.

If the information is not shared through a CME1 form, we will:

  • visit the family home
  • check passport or their relevant documentation from the Border Agency

If the child or children are unaccompanied

We will inform the Children's Services County Triage Team.

Determining if the child or children as a ‘Right to Stay’

If the child or children has ‘No Right to Stay’, we will inform the Access and Inclusion Manager of our intention to inform the Border Agency.

If the child or children has a ‘Right to Stay’ we establish if an education provision is in place.

Determining if the child or children has a education provision

If education is in place, we check with the provider that the child or children are on a school roll and update ONE. If this is the case, then we close the case to the CME Officer.

If there’s no education provision in place, we advise that they:

Read the guidance on the admission process for children from overseas.