Find out more
Who is on the panel, when it will meet and how to get in touch.
How to apply for financial support
How to apply for support from a Community Panel.
Stay in touch
Get the latest information about the Whitehaven and Coastal Community Panel direct to your email inbox by signing up to our email newsletters. You can also email the panel at
The panel's priorities
The Whitehaven and Coastal panel's priorities are:
Addressing inequalities through improved access to services and opportunities (Health education campaigns; Managing household income, including cost of living advice and support; Job creation and employment advice; Helping people to ‘age well’)
A local economy that is thriving and benefits everyone (Support for new businesses; Town centre improvements; Better business opportunities)
Better health and wellbeing for all (Sociable activities for all; Healthy cooking and eating; Sports, physical and recreational activities; Better disabled access, health and disability advice and support including for mental health)
A local environment where individuals, households and communities can live well and thrive (Play parks, community gardens and allotments; Natural spaces; Community safety; Community transport links)