Preventing radicalisation

The Prevent strategy aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

How to make a Prevent referral or report a concern about terrorism

If you are worried about anyone who is at risk of being radicalised by people who are involved in, or support, terrorism please contact:

If you consider anything to be suspicious or connected with terrorism, contact Cumbria Police on the non-emergency number 101.

Referrals to the Prevent Programme

If you suspect it, report it.

Prevent strategy

The counter-terrorism strategy employed by the Government is known as CONTEST. Prevent is one part of the strategy and aims to stop people from becoming radicalised which may lead to them being involved in terrorism.

The strategy promotes collaboration and co-operation among public sector organisations, their partners and local communities to deal with this issue.

Prevent is like any other safeguarding issue (for example - gangs, bullying, sexual exploitation). 
Prevent works in a non-criminal space to safeguard people  who are at risk or susceptible to radicalisation and stop them from becoming so radicalised they seek to harm other and themselves.

Channel: multi-agency approach

The multi-agency approach to protect people at risk from radicalisation is called Channel. This uses existing collaboration between local authorities, statutory partners (such as the education and health sectors, social care, children and youth services, specialist youth service and offender management services), the police and the local community to: 

  • identify individuals at risk of radicalisation or involvement in terrorism
  • assess the nature and extent of that risk
  • develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned

Channel is about safeguarding children and adults from being drawn into involvement in terrorism. It is about early intervention to address vulnerabilities, and divert people from harm.

Within Cumbria, a multi-agency panel of experts, chaired by the local authority, meets on a monthly basis to discuss referrals to the Channel Panel. The purpose of this meeting is to put in place a package of measures to support individuals who are at risk of becoming radicalised.

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from radicalisation and involvement in terrorism

Vulnerable people, including children, young people and adults can be exploited by people who seek to involve them in terrorism or activity in support of terrorism.

In Cumbria, this exploitation is recognised by all partners, including the Police as a potential safeguarding issue. Guidance has been produced for all professionals working with children and adults for whom there are concerns that they are vulnerable and at risk of becoming involved in violent extremist activity.

Local Safeguarding Childrens Board guidance applies to both adults and children. 

If you have any concerns or need advice contact: Call the Prevent Team 01772 413 398

Action to Counter Terrorism (ACT)

Communities defeat terrorism. With the enduring terrorist threat, it is now more important than ever that everyone plays their part in tackling terrorism. Your actions could save lives.

Don't worry about wasting police time. No call or click will be ignored. What you tell the police is treated in the strictest confidence and is thoroughly researched by experienced officers before, and if, any police action is taken.

Any piece of information could be important, it is better to be safe and report. Remember, trust your instincts and ACT.

Useful links: