Have your say on the Taxi and Private Hire Policy

Give us your view on the Taxi and Private Hire Policy

Consultation on Taxi and Private Hire Policy 2024

Following the formation of Cumberland Council a draft taxi and private hire policy has been prepared covering the Cumberland Council area. Prior to the preparation and publication of the new policy, there is a period of consultation with licence holders, a wide range of organisations and agencies, residents and businesses from across Cumberland.

The policy sets out the principles that Cumberland Council propose to apply in exercising its functions under the taxi and private hire legislation.

Due to the size of the consultation and interest from many parties, the consultation period has been extended from 30 August 2024 to 18 October 2024. 

You are invited to comment as part of the process. If you have already submitted a response you are free to submit additional comments.

The draft policy is divided into seven sections and a document for completion with any comments you wish to submit.

The policy will be referred to the Licensing Regulatory Committee later in the year together with responses to the consultation for their consideration. The new policy will be effective from 1 April 2025.

Please return any comments by completing our online survey by Friday 18 October 2024. Responses received after this date will not be accepted.

If you would prefer to print this form and send it back us please click “print survey” on the page linked above and send your responses to the following addresses.

  • Former Copeland area: Taxi Licensing Department, Whitehaven Commercial Park, Moresby Parks, Whitehaven, CA28 8YD
  • Former Allerdale area: Taxi Licensing Department, Allerdale House, New Bridge Rd, Workington, CA14 3YJ
  • Former Carlisle area: Taxi Licensing Department, Civic Centre, Rickergate, Carlisle, CA3 8QG

Drop in session

Sessions have already been held with the trade across Cumberland but an additional one is to be held on Thursday 3 October 2024 from 12pm to 2pm at Allerdale House in Workington. All the trade and other interested parties are welcome to attend.

Related documents

The following documents relate to the new Taxi and Private Hire Policy that is being proposed. Please take time to review the following documents and feedback on their contents via the survey link above.

Taxi and Private Hire Cumberland Policy Consultation FAQs

What is the proposed vehicle age policy?

New vehicle licences granted from 1 April 2025 must be under 5 years of age from date of registration. Providing the vehicle is continuously licensed (ie no break) and complies with requirements it can continue to be licensed until 10 years of age. Wheelchair accessible vehicles can be licensed until 15 years of age.

On reaching the maximum age an application can be submitted under the Exceptional Condition Criteria.

What are the acquired rights for vehicles licensed before 1 April 2025?

Vehicles licensed before 1 April 2025 must comply with the 3 legacy council requirements. Providing the vehicle licence is continuously licensed (ie no break) and complies with requirements it can continue to be licensed until 10 years of age. Wheelchair accessible vehicles can be licensed until 15 years of age. The legacy council conditions will apply to these vehicles throughout the lifetime of the licence with the exception of the vehicle test frequency.

On reaching the maximum age an application can be submitted under the Exceptional Condition Criteria.

How often will my vehicle need tested?

Once the Cumberland policy is implemented new vehicle testing frequency will be effective for all vehicles whatever the date of licence.

Vehicles will be tested before the licence is initially granted, then every 6 months for vehicles up to 5 years of age and every 4 months for vehicles 5 years and over.

What are the rules about emissions?

Vehicles must be compliant with emission regulations albeit that all vehicles licensed before 1 April 2025 can remain licensed up to 10 years of age (WAV 15 years) providing they remain continuously licensed (ie no break) and comply with the legacy council conditions.