Ash dieback disease: what you need to do

Understand what we are doing about ash dieback disease and what you can do to prevent the spread.

Ash dieback disease is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, formerly known as Chalara fraxinea. Ash is a predominant tree species in the Cumbria landscape and it is estimated that we are going to lose around 80% of ash trees in Cumbria and the UK.

Ash trees are one of the most prominent trees in our gardens, fields and hedges. They can decline rapidly once infected and become brittle and weak at the roots, especially if a secondary pathogen attacks the tree.

Unfortunately there is little that can be done to stop the spread, as it is now county wide. The fungal spores are spread on the wind

To prevent the spread of the disease, it is recommended to:

  • clean your shoes before and after visiting a wood
  • avoid taking cuttings or plant material from the countryside
  • wash your car or bike wheels to remove mud or plant matter

If you come across an infected tree that's not on your land, you should report this to the land owner if possible, so that they can take action (depending on the location).

What we are doing

We are surveying the county's roads in order to record where ash trees are and what level of infection they are showing. This information will help prioritise any action required, such as felling or further inspections. In April 2024, we rooted out the Ash dieback problems on the A595.

We will work closely with boroughs and parish councils, as well as members of the public who own ash trees close to public highways.

Keep up to date with news on ash dieback and other environmental issues in the area on our news page.

If you've received a letter from us and need help

If you're a land owner and have received a letter regarding felling ash trees and need more assistance, you can:

Report it online 

Contact Cumbria Highways: 0300 373 3736

If you have an ash tree on your property or land

If you own an ash tree, we need your help to make sure your trees don't become a danger to people or a property.

You should be aware of your responsibility to ensure it does not become a risk to other people or property. Ash trees can decline rapidly once infected and become brittle and weak at the roots, especially if a secondary pathogen attacks the tree.

If it is within falling distance of the public highway (including footpaths and bridleways) and shows signs of ash dieback, you may be served with a notice to carry out works (which may include felling the tree) from us.

All trees should be regularly inspected for safety by a suitably qualified arboriculturist, but if you own ash trees it will be useful to learn how to recognise the symptoms of the disease so that you are well prepared to deal with this disease as early as possible.

Identifying signs of ash dieback

Read identification guide in larger trees (The Tree Council)

The Forestry Commission also has a number of videos on how to identify symptoms:

Read ash dieback disease: A guide for tree owners (The Tree Council)

If you aren't sure if your trees are Ash, the Woodland Trust has a good guide - Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) - British Trees (Woodland Trust)

If you're a farmer, read the farmer's guide to ash dieback ( website)

Images on what ash dieback looks like (Cumbria Wildlife Trust)

Removing trees that are not yet dangerous

Do not fell ash trees if they are not yet dangerous and certainly not if they are not infected - this will not prevent the spread of the disease. Some ash trees are resistant to the disease and others are able to tolerate an infection and return to reasonable health.  These trees will be valuable for the continuation of the species.

If you need to remove a dangerous tree

You will need to get a professional to carry out the work. Tree felling is dangerous work, but when felling badly infected ash, the hazards can greatly increase. It is extremely important that you use someone who is properly qualified and insured, as special precautions and techniques may be required to ensure safety.

Search for an Arboricultural Association Approved Contractor (

Read guidance on managing ash dieback in England (GOV.UK)

When a licence or permits may be required

For trees outside gardens or for those subject to Tree Preservation Orders or in Conservation Areas, please ensure that you have secured all permissions and licences before you fell trees or you may be committing an offence and liable to prosecution.

Read Tree felling: getting permission (GOV.UK)

Please note that Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas are managed by your district council and are not a matter for the county council.

You need to ensure that appropriate health and safety measures are in place for before work begins. This should include any road traffic management measures that may be necessary. 

Protecting woodland wildlife

You should take the proper measures to ensure that wildlife legislation is not contravened by the works. For example, bat roosts and nesting birds are both commonly found in older trees and disturbing them is an offence. Thick ivy growth can conceal nests and roosts.

Read guidance on managing and protecting woodland wildlife (GOV.UK)