Missed bins

If your bin has not been collected you can report a missed bin.

Reporting a missed bin

If your bin has not been collected you can report a missed bin to us.

Sometimes things like roadworks, parked vehicles, flooded or icy roads or much more rubbish to collect than usual, might stop us from collecting your bin.

Before you report a missed bin check:

  • it was put out on the right day, find your bin collection day
  • your neighbours' bins have been collected
  • it was placed at the kerbside and could be clearly seen
  • it contained the correct items, check what goes in each bin
  • if the crew has put a sticker on your bin explaining why it was not emptied
  • that the lid was closed. If the bin is so full that the bin lid does not close properly it will not be collected.
Check another post code

Why you're going to a different website

As a new council we are in the process of adding information to this website. To give you the information you need some pages will link back to the old council websites.

About the council changes