Anyone who sells alcohol, puts on entertainment or serves hot food after 11pm must hold a premises licence/club premises certificate.
There are four types of licence: club premises certificate, personal licence, premises licence and temporary event notice.
Cumberland Council is the licensing authority for the area.
We must have regard to the Government's statutory guidance when dealing with our licensing responsibilities.
Our licensing policy explains the factors that will be considered when examining applications for licences and for monitoring compliance with licence conditions.
The Licensing Act 2003, the statutory guidance and the policy seek to achieve four main objectives, which have equal importance.
The objectives are:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of public safety
- Protection of children from harm.
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Why you're going to a different website
As a new council we are in the process of adding information to this website. To give you the information you need some pages will link back to the old council websites.