About the local area
Cumberland Council was formally incepted as a new unitary authority on 1 April 2023, whereby all services and functions for children, families and communities are now delivered by the one local council, having previously being delivered by Cumbria County Council.
The Cumberland footprint is geographically large with a relatively small population. Cumberland covers an area of 3,012 square km: covering just over one fifth (21%) of the Northwest region. With a population of 273,300 and an average population density of 91 people per square km, Cumberland is much more sparsely populated than the national average (395 people per square km).
Over half (53%) of Cumberland’s population live in rural areas, compared to 18% nationally. Fourteen of Cumberland’s 177 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are classified as being within the 10% most deprived of areas in England. Approximately 72,313 children and young people aged 0-25 (up to 26th birthday) live in Cumberland; this equates to 26.4% of Cumberland’s total population.
As a proportion of the 0 to 25 age population in Cumberland, 3.76% are recorded as having an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) – 2,721 young people (est. March 2023).
Cumberland has a total of 172 Local Authority maintained schools and academies, comprised of:
- Nursery schools - 3
- Pupil Referral Units - 2
- Primary Schools - 145
- Secondary Schools - 19
- Special Schools - 3
Cumberland has 19 Children’s Centres (including satellite centres) and currently one Family Hub located in Whitehaven. There are plans to extend the access to services further and introduce a mobile family hub offer to the most rural and hard to reach locations.
Find a local Children's Centre
Local voices
We aim to continually improve services for our children and families by listening to feedback from those we serve.
We achieve this by working in true collaborative partnership with children and families and through meaningful quality assurance of services - both internal and commissioned.
“My life would be so much easier if we didn’t have to fight for every little thing for our son. Nothing comes easy when you have a child with additional needs.” - Parent
“More support for teens who are struggling emotionally and with their mental health. There is a gap in this area I feel.” - Parent
“I need someone who can believe in me.” - Young person
“It wasn’t so long ago that my daughter was refusing to go to school, her mental health was very poor. She was incredibly vulnerable. Her school attendance record is excellent now and she is achieving really well.” - Parent