CLSR Placemaking Report - 1.3 Purpose of Report

This report has been compiled to outline the placemaking for the Carlisle Southern Link Road (CSLR). It was established early in the project that a placemaking strategy was required to ensure that the proposed design celebrated and strengthened the unique qualities of the local landscape character.

The intention was to:

  • create distinctive areas within this large infrastructure project 
  • aid wayfinding 
  • create a sense of place
  • enhance local biodiversity.

Whilst placemaking has been considered throughout the project design as a whole, there are several specific areas where placemaking has been a key focus. Design proposals that create distinctive roundabouts, some publicly accessible SuDS ponds and some serving the wildlife and biodiversity, the Caldew River Corridor, suitable street furniture design along with bespoke wayfinding signage, and interpretative boards make up the placemaking design for CSLR. These will be listed within the document alongside an explanation of what features are being proposed in these locations and why.

This report will act as a supporting document to fulfil the planning condition for the implementation and successful commencement of the project.

While the CSLR project is currently under construction, it should be noted that the design and placement of elements presented in this document is due to change as the project proceeds on site.