How will we measure the overall success of the strategy?
The overall aim of the Cumberland Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to enable Cumberland’s communities to be healthy and to tackle health inequalities. High level measures of success will be monitored through changes to life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and the life expectancy / healthy life expectancy gap between the most and least deprived communities. Further measures are proposed in the document.
A series of strategic action plans will underpin the strategy to ensure a focus on delivery. The Joint Public Health Strategy is also an important supporting strategy setting out our approach to tackling the wider the determinants of health in more detail. Key to the implementation of this strategy will be the development of mechanisms for working together across the system and for assessing how decisions that are being made influence the aims set out in this strategy.
Some of these mechanisms, such as the Health and Well Being Board, are in place already but some will be refreshed to enable them to develop local action in support of the strategy.