The aims our Cumbrian Standing Advisory Council For Religious Education (SACRE) are:
- SACRE is managed effectively and builds productive relationships.
- SACRE promotes improvement in the standards, the quality of teaching and the provision in RE.
- SACRE continually evaluates the implementation and impact of the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus.
- SACRE promotes improvement in the provision and quality of Collective Worship.
- SACRE contributes to the promotion of cohesion across the community.
Aim 1 - SACRE is managed effectively and builds productive relationships
Strategic goal
SACRE is effective in giving advice to the relevant LAs.
Actions and responsibility
The LAs to regularly provide SACRE with clear information relevant to the quality and provision for RE and CW in local schools.
Success criteria
SACRE receives the information in a way that enables it to act as a critical friend.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE agenda items and minutes.
Strategic goal
SACRE Membership is active and diverse.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE makes good use of co-option to ensure membership of the SACRE is well informed and is representative of the diversity across both LAs. There is a strong and co-ordinated programme of induction, and training opportunities are highlighted for SACRE members. New and existing members are encouraged to join working groups.
Success criteria
Membership of SACRE is well informed through meetings and co-option reflects the diversity across both LAs. There are systems in place for succession planning for members and SACRE roles. All members attend some NASACRE training , especially new members. SACRE members feel actively involved.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE Agenda and minutes SACRE Annual report Clerk to keep a record of members who attend training and include in the annual report. SACRE agenda item and minutes.
Strategic goal
SACRE builds productive partnerships with both LAs and other key stakeholders so SACRE can function effectively to benefit schools, including academies.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE has a strategic, development plan and a funded RE Adviser. SACRE has access to funds to enable it to make decisions about its priorities and ensure these can be properly resourced. Representatives of key support networks and higher education providers are regularly involved with SACRE.
Success criteria
RE Adviser provides effective advice and is well informed about the provision and quality of RE in the LA and about national developments. Elected representatives and lead officers of both LAs attend meetings providing a strong link between SACRE and both LAs. SACRE is involved in wider initiatives with both LAs.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE agenda and minutes SACRE annual report SACRE national update briefing.
Aim 2 - SACRE promotes improvement in the standards, the quality of teaching, and provision in RE
Strategic goal
Have coherent knowledge of which schools are providing adequate time for effective RE including in the 6th form and have a scheme of work which enables them to deliver the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus.
Actions and responsibility
Collate summaries of Ofsted comments relevant to RE Monitor SIAMS reports on RE and CW, and SMSC for voluntary control led and foundation schools.
LAs share any agreed relevant information - for example, public examination entries and results and how these relate to national figures so SACRE gains an overview of RE provision.
Processes are in place to find out how schools provide RE to all learners in KS4 and KS5 and how well learners are doing in KS4 and KS5 examinations.
LAs provide useful analysis that enables SACRE to address issues effectively in partnership with the LAs.
Trial and introduce a system whereby SACRE members audit school websites for evidence of RE Schools access Units of Work provided from Norfolk SACRE, national schemes and create their own.
Success criteria
SACRE is informed so support and CPD for RE is targeted specifically to need. CPD is relevant and collaborative across the LAs. CPD is well attended and evaluated. 35% of schools are engaged with Cumbrian SACRE RE provision , CPD and networks. Members are confident in their knowledge and understanding of the national and local situation of RE.
Members have knowledge and understanding of GCSE standards in RE within Cumbria as compared to national outcomes. Members can asses compliance in RE from information available. SACRE engages with schools as needed to provide guidance. Evidence of good practice is shared.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE annual survey and report, SACRE meetings, newsletters and briefings, CPD , annual SACRE conference and network meetings supports all the monitoring here.
SACRE website audit increase in schools informing SACRE.
SACRE newsletter.
Regular agenda items at SACRE meetings.
Strategic goal
Communication and developmental activities with stakeholders are regular and targeted.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE newsletter is regular, targeted and accessible to all stakeholders, including governors and headteachers SACRE actively encourages all schools to report RE experiences - in their newsletters, on their website and social media - as part of promoting high quality RE.
Examples of different models for RE are shared with all schools so they can meet their specific needs and priorities Cumbria RE Teacher Group (online) is pro-actively engaging and supporting teachers and all those involved with RE. Regular attendance at the NW SACRE Hub meetings.
Success criteria
Improved engagement with stakeholders, including governors and headteachers.
Increased evidence of RE activities on school websites and media outlets.
RE receives strong media coverage locally, giving RE and the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus a high profile in the local community. SACRE discussions are used to enhance leadership and management of RE in schools. Key national RE messages are disseminated to members of SACRE so they can be well informed.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE annual survey and report, SACRE meetings, newsletters and briefings, CPD , annual SACRE conference and network meetings supports all the monitoring here SACRE website audit increase in schools informing SACRE. SACRE newsletter Regular agenda items at SACRE meetings.
Strategic goal
Proactive policy of liaison and collegiality with academies so they look to SACRE for ongoing support and information.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE to systematically consider the legal and structural opt ions and establish the place of academies on SACRE. Some SACRE meetings are held in academies. Further develop relationships with academies through the RE Hubs.
Success criteria
A permanent and sustainable academy presence is established on SACRE. SACRE has a constructive relationship with senior leaders & subject leaders in some academies to develop RE.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE membership profile SACRE annual report and SACRE minutes CPD and network attendance registers Annual survey.
Aim 3 - SACRE continually evaluates the implementation and impact of the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus
Strategic goal
SACRE has a clear and systematic process for monitoring the implementation and impact of the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE consults with schools, academies and other key stakeholders. Feedback is received from teachers through network meetings and at the annual SACRE conference. SACRE encourages schools to consider progression in long term planning in RE Annual RE survey is circulated to all schools and the findings are shared.
Success criteria
The Agreed Syllabus is valued and used widely in schools. Evidence of progression in long term planning. 25% return rate of the annual RE survey.
Monitoring arrangements
SACRE annual survey and report, SACRE newsletters and briefings, CPD, annual SACRE conference and network meetings supports all the monitoring here.
Strategic goal
SACRE reviews the opinions of schools , academies and RE teachers to obtain a clear idea of the strengths and weaknesses of the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE collects and collates feedback via annual survey, RE networks, annual conference, CPD, school contacts, etc. Issues that arise are discussed and addressed SACRE encourages schools to use latest RE research to help pupils make good progress. SACRE has opportunities to hear the views and experience of pupils about RE.
Success criteria
Teachers engage with opportunities to share their views and feel that their views are valued.
SACRE member s have relevant information to enable clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Cumbrian Agreed Syllabus and to develop strategies to address issues Teachers understand and appreciate the disciplinary approach and that the AS has a clear framework for progression and challenging learning informed by the latest RE research.
Monitoring arrangements
Cumbrian SACRE annual survey to provide information on syllabus strengths and weaknesses Monitoring of feedback at events - for example, annual conference, RE networks, CPD, school contacts, etc SACRE’s annual report Information from teacher feedback will inform SEF discussions and decisions. Cumbrian SACRE meetings in schools.
Aim 4 - SACRE promotes improvement in the provision and quality of Collective Worship
Strategic goal
Understand local issues of delivering pupil entitlement to Collective Worship and of the challenges schools face in providing it.
Actions and responsibility
Devise an effective survey focused on current Collective Worship provision and report to SACRE.
Introduce a system whereby SACRE members audit school websites for evidence of CW Issues are discussed and inform strategies to promote improvement in the provision and quality of CW.
SACRE meeting agenda items regularly include review of support for CW SACRE members are able to have first - hand experience of quality CW and hear the views and experience of pupils.
SACRE develops a system to be fully equipped to respond to requests for determinations.
Success criteria
30% of return rate of CW survey.
SACRE members are better informed with a clearer overview of the quality of provision and understanding o f local issues and challenges.
Training provided to governors, leaders i n schools and head teachers includes reference to Collective Worship and takes account of identified issues and challenges. Members are familiar and comfortable with the system for determinations.
Monitoring arrangements
Analyse results by the end of the summer term 2024 and report in Autumn 2024.
SACRE’s annual report will include a summary of actions and findings in relation to CW.
Information will inform SEF discussions and decisions.
Agenda item and determination document sent to all members.
Strategic goal
Promote in-service support for teachers with responsibility for delivering Collective Worship.
Actions and responsibility
Arrange CPD opportunities for community schools, including academies.
Seek out local examples of quality Collective Worship provision to share at the Cumbrian SACRE Conference 2025.
Success criteria
CPD is well attended and staff and governors feel more confident in the delivery of CW.
CPD impacts positively on learners.
A group of teachers are willing to support others.
Monitoring arrangements
Attendance registers and evaluations of CPD from School Development are analysed.
Cumbrian SACRE annual survey (Spring 2025) to include CW impact assessment on teachers and learners.
Anecdotal feedback via Cumbrian RE Teachers Network.
Strategic goal
Seek to ensure that schools have access to, and advice on, appropriate resources for the delivery of Collective Worship.
Actions and responsibility
Survey current websites, books and resources for Collective Worship.
Review current guidance for Collective Worship and revise where necessary.
Success criteria
Up to date list of resources for CW.
Guidance is updated and used by teachers.
Monitoring arrangements
Cumbrian SACRE annual survey shows CW resources are used and valued.
Cumbrian SACRE annual survey shows guidance is used and valued.
Summary included i n SACRE’s annual report.
Information will inform SEF discussions and decisions.
Aim 5 - SACRE contributes to the promotion of cohesion across the community
Strategic goal
SACRE has strong representation from and understanding of all major local religious communities including different groups within the same religious tradition.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE to consult about the current religious, ethnic and cultural diversity in the local area, in conjunction with local interfaith groups and the LA.
SACRE to develop stronger relationships, and seek to develop and promote initiatives with local interfaith groups for schools.
SACRE 20 schools through CPD and newsletters about the distinctive needs and opportunities created by local diversity & the impact on the provision for RE and CW.
Success criteria
SACRE has knowledge of the religious, ethnic and cultural diversity in the local area.
Evidence of schools involved in interfaith initiatives.
Schools are more aware of the distinctive needs and opportunities created by local diversity and the impact on the provision for RE and CW.
Monitoring arrangements
Annual report to include summary of current religious, ethnic and cultural diversity in the local area.
Annual report includes initiatives with named local inter faith groups, from example - Multicultural Cumbria, Barrow Multicultural Forum, Carlisle One World Centre, Churches Together etc Annual survey to schools demonstrates greater awareness of how local diversity impacts on the provision for RE and CW.
Strategic goal
SACRE has a clear commitment to the part RE and SMSC can play in promoting cohesion across the community and aims to promote this throughout its work.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE keeps informed of national guidance from NASACRE in relation to community cohesion , Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) and rights respecting, SMSC and British Values.
Success criteria
SACRE members are regularly informed about their role in promoting RE and SMSC and CW’s contribution to cohesion across the community in schools.
Monitoring arrangements
Summary in annual report. SACRE agenda item and minutes.
Strategic goal
SACRE becomes a key stakeholder in the work of the LAs in cohesion across the community.
Actions and responsibility
SACRE to be informed about the current work of the LAs in cohesion across the community.
SACRE to develop relationships with local interfaith representatives and groups to ensure opportunities to support high quality RE/CW in schools.
Circulate SACRE newsletters to local interfaith representatives and groups.
Success criteria
SACRE is known by local interfaith representatives and groups and is in regular communication with them.
SACRE newsletters are used by local interfaith representatives and groups as a means to promote events and initiatives.
Monitoring arrangements
Annual report to include named interfaith groups.
Reference to, and email communication to SACRE by local inter faith representatives and groups.
SACRE agenda items and minutes.