How it works
The people working with you will share information with the Panel about you and your family and about what has been done to try and help so far. The Panel will then try to solve the issues affecting your Early Help Plan.
Members of the panel will include:
- Health Visitors, Schools
- Child and adolescent mental health services (CAHMS)
- Childrens Centres
- Police
- Family Support Service
- Social Workers
- Young Carers organisations
They will bring with them any other information they have about your situation that might help the conversation.
The co-ordinator of your Early Help Plan or whoever is talking to you about it being referred to panel will explain more about this before the Panel meets and seek your permission to discuss your situation with the Panel. It will not go to panel without your permission.
What happens after the panel has discussed your situation
The Panel will try and identify other agencies that might be able to provide more support for you and your family and update your Early Help Plan.
Occasionally for some difficult problems the Panel might suggest that a Social Worker needs to be involved. If that happens you would be informed of this by the person who spoke to you originally about involving the Early Help Panel.