Disciplinary procedure
The disciplinary procedure is intended to support managers and employees where misconduct issues arise.
Misconduct is any type of behaviour or conduct at work (and in some cases outside of work) that falls below the required standard of behaviour of council employees' or is in breach of the council's policies, procedures or code of conduct.
Disciplinary procedure and guidance (DOC 673KB)
Disciplinary Process Map (PDF 242KB)
Employment matters, legal and procedural issues
This guidance should be read when encountering issues relating to Legal and procedural issues such as:
- misappropriation of funds: Financial irregularities
- other police matters or criminal offences (theft, violence, damage)
- allegations of sexual misconduct
- child protection
- legal proceedings
- inquests
- accidents
- professional liability
- confidentiality and data protection
- employment tribunal proceedings
Employment matters: legal and procedural issues (PDF 301KB)
Capability and probation
The Capability Policy is designed to assist employees to meet and maintain a satisfactory level of performance when they fail to reach the required standard for reasons associated with skill, aptitude or physical or mental ability.
All external appointments will be subject to a six month probationary period irrespective of any previous continuous service. During this period, suitability for the post will be assessed and continued employment will be subject to satisfactory reports.
Probation procedure (DOC 238KB)
Officers Code of Conduct
The code of conduct for Officers outlines the standard of conduct expected from all officers who carry out business for Cumberland Council.
Part 4-Section 2-Officer Code of Conduct.
Gifts and Hospitality Guidance (PDF 118KB)
Outside Commitments Guidance (PDF 115KB)
Confidential Report (whistleblowing)
Whistleblowing is the reporting of suspected wrongdoing or dangers in relation to any activities the council is engaged in. This policy covers all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers, agency workers, elected Members, and volunteers, and explains the protection and support available for 'whistleblowers'. council customers may also wish to raise concerns covered by this policy with their council contact or with any of the contacts listed at the end of this policy.