Exit interviews
The council is constantly looking at ways to maintain an experienced and motivated workforce. An exit interview must be offered for all employees who voluntarily leave employment and those who move to a different post within the organisation.
Exit Interview Procedure (DOC 232KB)
Termination of employment checklist (DOC 239KB)
Flexible retirement
Under this procedure, employees reaching their normal retirement age, have the opportunity to apply to work for the Council on reduced hours or at a lower grade, while drawing their accrued pension benefits.
- Flexible retirement procedure and forms (DOC 292KB)
- Flexible retirement policy (DOC 233KB)
- Flexible Retirement YPS Member - Personal details form(PDF 43KB)
Local Government Pension Scheme
Redundancy and early release
The redundancy and early release policy and associated procedures will apply to all employees covered by the NJC for Local Government Services. These policies and procedures cover topics relating to redundancy, including voluntary redundancy as well as accessing your Local Government Pension early and the "85 year rule".
- Redundancy and Early Release Templates (DOC 660KB)
- Redundancy and Early Release Guidance (DOC 681KB)
- Redundancy and Early Release Policy (DOC 634KB)
- Redundancy and Early Release Procedure (DOC 623KB)
Death in service
The death of an employee requires the employer to handle the situation in a practical, yet sensitive way.
The death in service guidance (DOC 491KB) is designed to assist employees who are faced with difficult situation of a colleague dying. It outlines the practical steps that the Council and its employees should take on the death of an employee.
Resourcing options
Guidance on resourcing options for Managers (PDF 725KB)
Term time (equated pay) leavers calculation (NJC for local government staff)
The council pays employees who work term time only, equated pay. This is where their working weeks, pro-rata annual leave and bank holidays and unpaid weeks are added together then divided by 12 months so the individual receives the same amount each month therefore avoiding fluctuations in pay. If an employee leaves part-way through the year they can be under or overpaid depending on how many school holiday weeks they have had. This guidance outlines the pay calculations to determine if there has been an under or over payment. These calculations will normally be undertaken by the Service Centre.
Term Time Calculations pro-forma and guidance (DOC 156KB)
If you are a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme and are considering retirement, further information can be found on the Local Pension Partnership Administration (LPPA) Website.