Recruitment, appointment and induction

Recruitment process including recruitment freeze, advertising, shortlisting and interviewing.


You will find information below on the recruitment process and procedures. All managers must follow the recruitment process when seeking to fill a vacancy. 

What you need to know:

  • a recruitment freeze is in place meaning there are restrictions on the types of roles that can be filled
  • there is a new vacancy authorisation process in place. Step 2 below provides further information on this
  • values-based interviewing is now in place for all roles. This means, questions from our values-based recruitment guidance should be applied at interview to assess how individuals align to our values. Step 6 below provides further information and contains the questions to ask candidates
  • it’s been agreed by SLT for recruiting managers to email candidates the interview questions one working day in advance of their interviews. Step 6 below provides further information on this and contains an email wording template to make this easy.

Recruitment process

Step 1 - ensure the post specification is accurate

All manager's must ensure the post specification for the vacancy is accurate and graded correctly before proceeding to the next steps of the recruitment process:

  • you can find the official post specification for your vacancy on the pay and grading sharepoint site
  • the post specifications on this site have been graded in line with the Cumberland Council job evaluation scheme

What you need to do:

  • as a manager you should access the sharepoint site and find the role specification. (Further instructions are available on the sharepoint site if the role specification cannot be located)
  • you should review the post specification to ensure it is still accurate, valid and in the correct Cumberland Council template
  • if no changes are needed to the online post specification, you should move to step 2
  • if any changes are needed to the post specification, these should be made using tracked changes (How to use track changes)
  • your changes should be saved and submitted to the pay and grading team to review. To do this, you should raise an HR Advisory ticket on the Service Catalogue - HR Portal, selecting the “Pay, Working arrangements and Benefits” category on the query. You should attach your amended Post Specification to this ticket
  • in these circumstances, the pay and grading team will confirm when your amended post specification has been published and you are ready to move to step 2 of the process

Step 2 - obtaining authority to recruit

Before a vacancy can be authorised, recruiting managers must seek authority to recruit, using the following steps:

  1. Recruiting managers should complete the Cumberland Council: Vacancy Authorisation form (DOC 70KB)
  2. Once completed, they should email their form to 
  3. Finance Business Partners and Strategic HR Business Partners (HRBP) will review the request to ensure it is within budget requirements and align with service and workforce commitments
  4. Your Strategic HR Business Partner will act as the point of contact for your requests; their job is to keep you informed of progress and ensure that if it is supported by the service’s Assistant Director or Director, it is then considered for approval by Jo Atkinson, Director for Business Transformation and Change
  5. Once authorised, your Strategic HRBP will liaise with your service’s Resourcing Partner who will be in contact regarding advertisement. Authorisation to recruit is valid for 4 months
  6. You can now move to step 3 of the process

Recruitment freeze

There is an ongoing recruitment freeze in place, as agreed by SLT. Only roles which meet the following agreed criteria will be progressed:

  • there is a legal and statutory requirement for the role
  • there is a Regulatory requirement for the role
  • there is a Health and Safety requirement, including possible risk to life, for the role
  • there is time limited funding attached to the role and failure to progress would result in loss of funding
  • there are savings targets dependant on the role being appointed to deliver and failure to progress would result in risk to savings delivery
  • the role is vital to supporting the council deliver its Transformation agenda

If you have any further questions, please speak to your Service Manager or Assistant Director in the first instance.

Step 3 - advertising your vacancy

Once your post is authorised a new ticket on the Recruitment administration portal will be opened in your name.

Your service’s resourcing partner will contact you to discuss advertisement options and candidate attraction.  You will be required to provide an advert wording, a closing date and interview date. 

Our central resourcing team can support recruiting managers with advert writing, where needed. If this is something you require, please contact

Step 4 - shortlisting

What you need to do to shortlist:

  • when your advert closes, a shortlisting pack, including all application forms, will be emailed to the recruiting manager
  • the recruiting manager should ensure that all panel members receive an emailed copy of this shortlisting pack
  • the recruiting manager should arrange for all panel members to read the applications
  • the panel should collectively complete a shortlisting form for each candidate. Shortlisting Form (DOC 50KB)
  • all shortlisting forms and outcomes should be submitted to the HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration Team using your open recruitment ticket on the portal
  • HR/OD Administrators will then notify the unsuccessful applicants and answer any applicant queries.

Step 5 - inviting to interview

Interviews can be held in person or using MS Teams.

Recruiting Managers should email the invite to interview letters and Teams Invitations with guidance to on-line interviews (where applicable) to the applicants using the templates below:

It is recommended these are sent by email for speed and ideally the candidate is given at least five day's notice. 

Please include any special instructions in the Invite to Interview letter, including details of date, time, address, presentation, test assessment centre.

Step 6 - interviewing

What you need to know when interviewing:

  • panel members must agree the interview questions beforehand and all candidates should be asked the same questions
  • all interviews must feature a blend of technical and values-based questions. Values based questions should be selected from the relevant question bank. See the guidance below
  • recruiting Managers should email candidates the final interview questions one working day in advance of their interviews. Please see the guidance below
  • interview scoring sheets and notes should be taken for each candidate and an assessment should be made by each member of the Panel normally before the Panel collectively discuss interview performance
    Interview Scoring Form – Grade 18 and above (DOC 76KB)
    Interview Scoring Form – Grade 17 and below (DOC 76KB)
  • any interview notes taken must be sent to the Recruitment Administration Team using the People Management portal. These notes will be retained for a period of 2 years in line with information retention guidelines
  • any photocopies taken of the successful candidate's personal documents, such as qualifications or right to work in the UK, should be attached to the Recruitment Ticket
  • where there are no suitable candidates and you would like to discuss your next steps or alternative options, contact

Values based recruitment 

All interviews must feature a blend of technical and values-based questions to gauge candidate(s) alignment to our values.

Recruiting managers are free to make up their own technical questions but the value-based questions should be selected from the relevant question bank below.

  • if the role will line manage staff and is Grade 18 post or above
    You must ask 5 values questions (one question for each council value) from the roles with line management responsibility question set. The values questions should account for 60% of your interview scoring, meaning candidates should not be appointable where they don’t score well in answering the values questions.
  • if the role will line manage staff and is Grade 17 or below
    You should select 3 values and choose one question per value from the roles with line management responsibility question set. The values questions should account for 50% of your interview scoring, meaning you should consider whether the candidate is suitable for appointment if they don’t score well in answering the values questions.
  • if the role will NOT line manage staff and is Grade 18 post or above
    You must ask 5 values questions (one question for each council value) from the roles with no line management responsibility question set. The values questions should account for 60% of your interview scoring, meaning candidates should not be appointable where they don’t score well in answering the values questions.
  • if the role will NOT line manage staff and is Grade 17 or below
    You should select 3 values and choose one question per value from the roles with no line management responsibility question set. The values questions should account for 50% of your interview scoring, meaning you should consider whether the candidate is suitable for appointment if they don’t score well in answering the values questions.

For more information, please refer to the Values Based Recruitment Guidance (PDF 605KB).

Emailing candidates the interview questions

Recruiting Managers should email candidates the final interview questions one working day in advance of their interviews.

As interviews are a blend of technical and values-based questions, recruiting managers have the discretion whether to share some or all of the interview questions with candidates.

At minimum, the chosen values-based questions must be shared with all candidates. It is within manager discretion whether to share some or any of the technical questions in advance.

Please use the below email template to share your final questions with candidates.

Value-based Interview Questions

Step 7 - conditional offer and feedback to candidates

The recruiting manager should verbally offer the preferred candidate the position and outline it is subject to pre-employment clearances. 

An official start date should not be arranged until all pre-employment checks have been satisfactorily received. If the preferred candidate verbally accepts the conditional offer, the recruiting manager, or other panel members should call the unsuccessful candidates to let them know the outcome.

Candidate's may ask for feedback on their interview performance at this time and panel members should provide this and thank the candidate for their interest. 

The recruiting manager must complete the appropriate appointment or transfer form and attach it to the existing ticket using the HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration Portal:

What happens next

The Recruitment Transactional Team will send a formal offer letter along with details and associated documents needed to progress the relevant pre-employment checks. The HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration Team will issue the requests for references. 

The ticket will be updated as pre-employment checks are completed and Recruiting Managers can view this at any time using the  HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration Portal.

The manager should keep in contact with the successful candidate throughout this pre-employment period to help answer any questions, troubleshoot any issues and ensure candidate paperwork has been completed.

Step 8 - arranging a start date, onboarding and induction

Once all pre-employment clearances have been satisfactorily received:

  • managers can confirm that all pre-employment conditions have been met and arrange a start date with the candidate
  • recruiting managers should inform the Transactional Recruitment team of the start date on the HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration Portal
  • the transactional team will arrange for the individual’s employment contract to be drawn up and issued
  • legally, employment contracts should be received by the individual by the first day of their employment. The team will endeavour to issue this in advance of day one, however this is not always possible
  • before any contracts are issued, managers can refer all candidates to our suite of policies, procedures, terms and conditions
  • managers should keep in regular contact with their new team member before their start and take the necessary actions to ensure that day 1 (and beyond) runs smoothy.

Please refer to the induction toolkits below for detailed guidance on what to do next. 

Recruitment, appointment and induction procedure


The recruitment, appointment and induction procedure (DOC 239KB) should be applied when dealing with vacancies and appointments.  

The guidance and templates (PDF 711KB) provide more detailed background information and factors to be taken into account when recruiting and making appointment decisions.

This procedure and guidance should be used in conjunction with the recruitment, appointment and induction policy (PDF 219KB) along with the process map (coming soon).

The Council also has a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (PDF 165KB) for Veterans where an applicant meets the criteria set out in the HR procedure and for external appointments only.

If an applicant has previously been employed within the Fire and Rescue Service and is in receipt of a pension, the Reengagement and Abatement Policy should be referred to. 

Retirement, Re-engagement and Abatement - Fire Service (DOC 258KB)

Politically restricted posts

Politically Restricted Posts (PDF 496KB)


This charter sets out the council's approach to the recruitment of volunteers and our commitment to both them and the professional staff within the service.  This charter also sets out the expectations of the council in terms of the role of volunteers to supplement and complement the delivery of council services, how they will be supported and the responsibilities of all parties.

Volunteering Charter(DOC 257KB)

Safer recruitment and employment

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all employees, volunteers and the Externally Provided Workforce (EPWs) to share this commitment.

The safer employment pages provide information relating to 

  • Safe and fair recruitment,
  • The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
  • Safer employment and;
  • Matters arising due to criminal convictions, cautions, or an individual's actions that may be the subject of a police investigation.

Suitability of Ex-Offenders (DOC 355KB)
Safer Employment pages 

Providing references

All reference requests should be sent to the HR Admin team. The HR Admin team will provide an employment reference as required.

You can request a reference from the HR Admin team via the HR, Payroll and Recruitment Administration portal

Alternative Employment Programme

Internal transfer and external secondment

An internal transfer is where an employee is appointed to a new job within the council on a fixed term or permanent basis. For more information, contact your People Management Service.

A secondment is where an individual (the 'secondee') transfers on a fixed term basis, for a specific purpose, either

  • into the council from another organisation ('inward' secondment)


  • out of the council to another organisation ('outward' secondment)

For more information refer to the secondment guidance(DOC 344KB).

Continuous service on transfer back to the council (PDF 224KB) explains how your continuous service is  affected if you transfer out of the council to work for another organisation and then transfer back. 

Resourcing options

Resourcing options for managers

Guidance on resourcing options for Managers (DOC 667KB)

Career grade scheme

The Career Grade Scheme is available to Managers to support the recruitment and retention of appropriately skilled staff where jobs are hard to fill or to enable the transition for Apprentices or a person engaged through an agency / consultancy (Externally Provided Workforce) into employment with the Council. There are key principles detailed in the Scheme which must be followed and the employee is expected to commit to working for the council for a minimum of 3 years after successfully achieving the required standards in the full role. The manager must obtain approval and ensure that the appropriate training (including qualification training if applicable) and other support is available before progressing with a career grade. 

Career Grade Scheme (DOC 286KB)

Career Grade Scheme Managers Guidance (PDF 249KB)

Relocation expenses

Relocation expenses may be paid to new or transferred employees were they meet the eligibility criteria. 

Relocation Assistance Scheme (DOC 288KB)

Application and Authorisation Form (DOC 21KB)

Relocation Expenses Claim Form - This form will now be completed through MyHR

Induction and probation


Staff induction - new employees (PDF 4MB)

Staff induction - line managers (PDF 2MB)


All external appointments will be subject to a six month probationary period irrespective of any previous continuous service.

Probation period in employment (DOC 635KB)

Market supplement

A market supplement is an additional payment that enhances a basic salary. It can only be applied where there is evidence that the post cannot be filled or occupied at the current rate of pay.

Market supplement scheme (DOC 256KB)  

Casual workers, consultants and other externally provided workers

Casual workers

Casual workers are workers as opposed to employees. This means that they have a limited set of employment rights. The document below provides guidance on the use and management of casual workers.

Casual workers guidance(DOC 475KB)

Externally provided workforce

The Council uses third party providers - employment agencies - to engage agency workers, interims, self-employed consultants or contractors (the 'Externally Provided Workforce', EPW). The document below provides interim guidance for managers on how to engage these individuals in line with procurement and employment legislation and the Council's rules and procedures.

Externally provided workforce guidance (DOC 724KB)

Externally provided workforce Business Case (DOC 220KB)

For each new or extended EPW's the manager must complete an IR35 assessment to determine how and when their tax and NI contributions are paid. Please see the guidance below for further details:- 

Externally Provided Workers IR35 Guidance (DOC240KB)

EU/EEA Citizens

Settled status

Settled Status is a legal status for EU and EEA citizens that means you can continue Iiving in the UK after Brexit. If you are an EU or EEA citizen currently living in the UK, you can apply for Settled Status.

Process for applying for Settled Status (PDF 80KB)

To find further information on the process and the application form please visit the GOV website

Or download the EU settlement status application app (please note this must be done on an android phone)

EU Exit: ID Document Check App 

For more information, contact your People Management Service.

Contact the HR Team