All manager's must ensure the post specification for the vacancy is accurate and graded correctly before proceeding to the next steps of the recruitment process:
- you can find the official post specification for your vacancy on the pay and grading sharepoint site
- the post specifications on this site have been graded in line with the Cumberland Council job evaluation scheme
What you need to do:
- as a manager you should access the sharepoint site and find the role specification. (Further instructions are available on the sharepoint site if the role specification cannot be located)
- you should review the post specification to ensure it is still accurate, valid and in the correct Cumberland Council template
- if no changes are needed to the online post specification, you should move to step 2
- if any changes are needed to the post specification, these should be made using tracked changes (How to use track changes)
- your changes should be saved and submitted to the pay and grading team to review. To do this, you should raise an HR Advisory ticket on the Service Catalogue - HR Portal, selecting the “Pay, Working arrangements and Benefits” category on the query. You should attach your amended Post Specification to this ticket
- in these circumstances, the pay and grading team will confirm when your amended post specification has been published and you are ready to move to step 2 of the process