Winter ready
Storm Bert is forecast to bring some strong winds, heavy rain and snow on Saturday 23 November. Get the latest updates on our Facebook page and get winter ready advice from our dedicated website.
Finding a healthy balance between your work and home life through flexible working options.
We offer a number of flexible working options, including part time, compressed hours, flexi-time, term time, annualised house and job sharing. Many staff are agile workers using a variety of council and non council premises, and homeworking is supported by our ICT systems and team.
The work life balance procedure includes information on how to make a request for flexible working, home working and career breaks.
Homeworking handbook (PDF 965KB)
You can purchase up to 10 days additional leave with the Additional leave purchase scheme.
The purpose of the annual leave purchase scheme is to provide employees with additional flexibility in respect of planned time off work. This scheme provides the opportunity to "buy" up to 2 working weeks (pro-rata if appropriate) additional annual leave in each leave year, with deductions in pay spread over 12 months.
If you want to calculate the cost of purchasing additional annual leave for yourself, you can use the link below as a guide.
Additional annual leave purchase scheme (DOC 244KB)
Take an extended unpaid break of between 3 and 12 months.
The work life balance procedure includes information on how to make a request for flexible working, home working and career breaks.
Including time off for parents and carers when you need it, paternity and maternity leave, and support for school governors and special constables.
We want everyone to feel welcome and able to bring their whole selves to work. We have a number of employee network groups to support everyone.