This procedure enhances the support and assistance available to employees with a recognised disability. Disability leave, refers to paid time off work which may be granted, when an employee is absent from work as a result of their disability, but for reasons other than sickness.
Disability Leave Procedure (Doc 107KB)
Disbability Leave Form (Doc 189KB)
Volunteer to be part of our Disability Staff Network Group.
Elimination of racial discrimination
Racial discrimination is a global issue, it is prevalent throughout the UK, and here in Cumbria. COVID-19 has demonstrated stark race inequalities that continue to exist today, and has highlighted the need for public organisations to work proactively to address discrimination.
For further information please visit the main council page.
UN Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Volunteer to be part of our Race Equality Staff Network Group.
The aim of this guidance, is to help create an environment where women feel confident enough to raise issues about their symptoms, and ask for any necessary adjustments at work. We will aim to promote a greater understanding of the menopause, and seek to eradicate any exclusionary or discriminatory practices.
This guidance may also be useful for employees who have family members who are going through the menopause, as this may also be affecting them.
Menopause Guidance (Doc 486KB)
Mental Health Support
This guidance has been developed to provide a resource for anyone who is supporting a member of staff with mental health issues, and to promote understanding and remove stigma around mental health.
Mental Health Support Guidance (Doc 241KB)
Coping With Trauma Guidance (PDF 606KB)
The aim of the Neurodiversity guidance, is to help support managers and employees with any queries regarding neurodiversity in the workplace. We aim to promote a greater understanding of neurodiversity, and seek to eradicate any discriminatory practices.
Neurodiversity, is a relatively new term that many people may not yet know much about. Learning more about neurodiversity, and taking steps to understand how to best support everyone in workplaces, can be hugely beneficial for employers and employees.
Neurodiversity Guidance (Doc 113KB)
The aim of the Dyslexia guidance aims to provide information for managers, enabling them to support dyslexic employees to achieve their full potential.
Volunteer to be part of our Disability Staff Network Group.
In English, whether we realize it or not, people frequently refer to us using pronouns when speaking about us. Often, when speaking of a singular human in the third person, these pronouns have a gender implied -- such as "he" to refer to a man/boy or "she" to refer to a woman/girl. These associations are not always accurate or helpful.
Often, people make assumptions about the gender of another person based on the person's appearance or name. These assumptions aren't always correct, and the act of making an assumption (even if correct) sends a potentially harmful message -- that people have to look a certain way to demonstrate the gender that they are or are not.
A guide on how to use Gender Pronouns
Gender Pronouns - Why bother?
A personal account of using gender pronouns in the workplace from Ollie Wright - Rainbow Alliance Staff Network Group
Ollie's Account of using gender pronouns
If you'd like to learn more about what the Rainbow Alliance Staff Network Group are about, please email rainbowalliance@cumbria.gov.uk
Trans awareness and gender diversity
This policy, is designed to create a safe and productive workplace environment for all those who support transgender and non-binary employees. It aims to identify the support offered to staff who are transitioning; and sets out the expectations regrading the behaviour of other members of staff, in relation to transitioning and gender identity issues.
The County Council understands the benefits to the community of having a diverse and highly effective workforce, it values the added contribution that its employees can make, particularly in recognition of their individual differences.
Transgender Inclusion and Gender Diversity Policy (Doc 266KB)
The Trans Awareness eLearning course is available to all Cumbria County Council employees.
Or on the Intouch page - My Learning - in 'Course Search' field type Trans Awareness.
Volunteer to be part of our LGBTQ+ Staff Network Group.
Workforce EIA's (Equality Impact Assessment)
Equality Impact Assessments (EIA's) are risk assessments that are carried out for all of our services, ensuring they are not disadvantaging any sections of the population, referred to here as a negative impact.
Wherever we find a negative impact we have to:
- check whether we can take action to address it
- set objectives to address it in our annual Service Plans
- ensuring resulting actions are built into staff appraisal objectives
Workforce Plan Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
Workforce Plan Equality Impact Assessment
Workforce Data Report 2022 (2021 Data)