Local Offer for care experienced young people - Participation in society

We want our care experienced young people to be active members of society and to have all the chances in life that other young adults have.

People can participate in their communities or in society in different ways. Some people want to participate more than others.

We will do our best to find opportunities for you to participate in something that interests you or develops your interests, which you can then pursue independently. This includes:

  • providing information on groups and clubs you can join and take part in activities
  • providing information about opportunities, schemes, awards and competitions based on your talents and interests
  • encouraging and helping you to enrol on the electoral register so that you can vote in elections
  • informing you about voluntary work you might be interested in
  • supporting you to access a free or discounted leisure pass
  • giving you advice and helping you challenge any discrimination or difficulties you may face as a care experienced young person

Drop-in hubs

We encourage you to attend the weekly care experienced drop-in sessions.

Whitehaven - Monday afternoons

Carlisle - Wednesday afternoons

Workington - Friday afternoons

Getting involved

We want you to get involved in shaping and improving our services through one of our priorities 'nothing for us, without us'.

Cumberland Youth Council Participation and Engagement Groups and ways to get involved and be heard include:

  • Cumberland Youth Council
  • Chat 2 Change
  • Courage Influence Creative Change (CICC)
  • Unique Voices
  • Mind of My Own
  • UK Youth Parliament
  • NLCBF - Young People's Benchmarking Forum

Groups, meetings and events take place every couple of weeks.

If you do not like groups, a member of the participation team can meet you individually to talk about having your voice heard and how to get involved.

You can also meet the Care Experienced Ambassador to talk about getting involved and helping to shape the service.

Corporate Parenting Board

The Corporate Parenting Board meets every 2 months. Our Cared Experienced Ambassador and Care Experienced Representatives attend all meetings.

Twice a year, the Cared Experienced Ambassador and Representatives will take over. They will set the agenda and run the Board.

How to get involved

Talk to your personal adviser or email Youth Voice to find out about:

  • getting involved
  • what events are taking place
  • the different groups

Email: youth.voice@cumberland.gov.uk

If you help with consultations, interviews or other participation or engagement activities, you will be paid in the form of vouchers. This will be at the rate of the national minimum wage for your age and will include travel costs.