A local contractor has been appointed to undertake the design and build of the Iron Line, an exciting project within the Millom Town Deal programme that will bring an accessible and inspiring coastal corridor to Millom and Haverigg.
Cumberland Council has achieved a milestone ‘Good’ rating in its first-ever ILACS (Inspecting Local Authority Children’s Services) inspection by Ofsted.
Cumberland Council is committed to enhancing the beauty of our area and the safety of our highways network through a new campaign addressing flyposting, the unauthorised placement of advertisements on or adjacent to the adopted Highway network.
Workington will be all a glow this weekend (Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December) with Hall Park Light Works - a spectacular new Cumberland Council Light District event bringing seasonal sparkle to West Cumbria.
Scores of local producers’ stalls, Santa Claus and his elves, live music and festive street theatre, and expert demos galore - they’re all on the menu at Taste Cumbria Christmas in Cockermouth.