Apply for disabled person's bus pass

How to apply for a disabled person's bus pass, how to renew your bus pass, report a change in your circumstances or let us know if it is lost, damaged or stolen.

Apply for a disabled person's bus pass

You can apply online, at a library or by post.

Apply online

You can apply online using our NoWcard service. You'll need:

  • digital proof of age; A scanned image of your passport, driving license or birth certificate
  • digital proof of address; A scanned image of your Council Tax bill, utility bill or bank statement less than three months old, rent book or statement or DWP letter.
  • digital evidence of disability
  • a digital passport type photograph

Apply for disabled person's bus pass

Apply at a library

Our library staff can help you apply at:

You'll need to take proof of your identity and address.

Our library staff will take the identity photo for you.

You can also apply for a bus pass at libraries in the Westmorland and Furness Council area.

Apply by post

You'll need to complete and return an application form along with proof of identity.

Send your application to:

Cumberland Council
Parkhouse Building
Baron Way
Kingmoor Business Park

Proof of identity

If you are applying at a library or by post you will need to bring in proofs of both identity and address. We will accept:

Proof of age

  • birth certificate
  • proof of state pension
  • passport
  • driving licence


Proof of address

  • Council Tax bill
  • utility bill dated within the last three months
  • rent book or statement
  • bank statement dated within the last three months
  • DWP Letter

ID Photo

Your application will be delayed if your photo does not meet the passport type photo guidelines.

If you’re using a photo taken on your own device, include your head and shoulders. Do not crop your photo - it will be done for you.

If you are applying at a library our staff will take your photo. There are busy periods at libraries so you might have a short wait.