Governance has never been more critical, and governors and trustees continue to provide support and strategic challenge within their schools and trusts.
Our service is related to local authority maintained schools. Where there is no legal requirement, we advise on the basis of best practice based on the principles of effective governance, which could be applied to all categories of schools.
In recognition of frequent changes, we circulate communications directly to schools/governors that includes lots of useful information on our website.
If you have any further queries please contact us.
References to 'board' should be taken to mean the accountable body for the school or group of schools (governing body/governing board).
The Role of the Governing Board
The role of the governing board is essential to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again the Office for standards in education (Ofsted) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management, which includes that of the governing board.
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. The role of the governing board supports the headteacher and staff by positively promoting the work of the school, celebrating its achievements and working to ensure the best outcomes for pupils.
All boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions that are set out and include but are not limited to ensuring;
- that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
- that the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
- the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources
Each individual governor and any associate member(s) form the governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. This means that individual governors and associate members do not act independently of the rest of the governing board.
All decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board. As long as LA maintained school governors and associate members act within the law, governors are protected from financial liability for the decisions they take.
How to become a governor
School governors and associate members are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.
Governors and associate members are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards.
Who can become a governor
There are no particular qualifications or requirements to volunteer to be a governor or associate member. However, governing boards will probably be looking for some of the following:
- individuals who are enthusiastic about contributing to improving the outcomes for all pupils and inevitably the local and wider community
- individuals who are aware there is a commitment involved ie time
- individuals who may have some specialist knowledge/experience that they can bring ie accountant, health and safety, a knowledge of educational establishments
- individuals that bring their own perspective, they are not there to represent others views
- individuals who work as part of a team
- individuals who are willing to ask questions
- have a willingness to learn
- accept that there may be a need to upskill by attending training
- understand that there is a requirement for a DBS check
- accept and appreciate the importance of confidentiality
- understand that all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of a governing board
- someone over the age of 18 years
Associate Member
Associate members are not governors, and so do not have a vote at full governing board meetings. However, they are entitled to attend those meetings and to be sent the papers for them. The definition of associate member is wide and pupils, school staff and people who want to contribute specifically on issues related to their area of expertise (for instance, finance) can be appointed as associate members.
How to become a governor or associate member
There are different categories of governors and at certain times governing boards will have vacancies they need to fill.
Schools use a number of ways to advertise vacancies such as posters in shops, Post Offices, libraries, leisure centres, school website and school newsletters - keep an eye out for those. If you are a parent at a school look out for letters in school bags, emails, and text alerts from school.
Alternatively, you can inform a school that you are interested in becoming a governor or associate member directly. The governing board would then have your expression of interest for any future vacancies you may qualify for.
There are some organisations that are specifically set up to offer the facility where a governing board or an individual can register their vacancy or interest, which is then held for a 'match making' process. You can find details of a few organisations that offer this service if you may want to consider registering with - these are Inspiring Governance and Governors for Schools.
Inspiring Governance
Inspiring Governance is an organisation funded by the Department for Education.
You can contact them by email or phone.
Telephone: 0207 566 4880
Inspiring Governance website
Governors for Schools
Governors for Schools can be contacted by email or phone.
Telephone: 020 7354 9805
Governors for Schools website
Recruitment of governors
The Governor Support Team would like to direct you to some resources which may be helpful in the sourcing of and recruitment of governors, trustees and associate members:
- governor recruitment poster for schools, can be adapted to be used to advertise your vacancies in your local community
- anyone contacting your school who wants to find out more about the role of a governor/trustee, could be directed to the - Inspiring Governance and Governors for Schools
When considering recruitment, it is always useful to consider the number on your governing board. A governing board can reconstitute at any time.
Reconstitution is a legal process which has to be undertaken through the Local Authority, and in consultation with the Diocese and foundations as appropriate. A Skills Audit may assist a governing board when undergoing the reconstitution process.