Find out all the information you need about our services over the Christmas and New Year period. This includes our opening times, waste collection days, and how to contact us out of hours.
Support and information for schools
Training and development, school funding, teacher frameworks and the governor support service.
The Learning Improvement Service is a team of officers who specialise in early years, primary, secondary, and post 16 education, the virtual school and support for school governance.
Supply cover for schools, training sessions which promote positive strategies and risk assessments for pupils with disabilities and moving and handling of children and inanimate objects.
Cumbria Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) aims to support high quality teaching and learning in religious education and thoughtful, reflective experiences in collective worship.
The forum acts as a consultative body that advises the council on matters affecting school funding such as changes to the local funding formula and arrangements for pupils with special educational needs.