The Post-16 team within the Learning Improvement Service works to ensure the local authority meet its statutory Post-16 duties including the duty to 'encourage and enable all young people to participate in education and training', and the duty to 'secure suitable and sufficient provision' to meet need.
The responsibilities of the team are: to
- ensure strategic priorities for 16 to 18 and 25 year olds education and training are effectively identified, communicated and addressed through working with national agencies and across services within the local authority
- establish and maintain an up to date knowledge of the post-16 offer in Cumbria, identifying strengths, underperformance and supporting intervention strategies to improve outcomes
- promote and track young people's purposeful participation and progression post-16 and monitor, report and evaluate impact of work, including commissioned services
- identify and support pre-16 strategies to ensure young people are supported during transition from compulsory education to post 16 to 25 year olds
How we work in partnership with services and providers
- develop and improve collaboration with both national and local partners to ensure local authority statutory duties for young people post-16 are met
- monitors standards and progress of learners, including Destinations, across Post 16 provision ensuring commissioned provision is appropriate to young people's needs
- monitors learning and training opportunities to identify areas for development so that young people's continued participation in education and training is assured
- works with services and providers to develop provision to meet post 16 education and training needs
Useful links
For more information, visit:
- Education Funding Agency (EFA)
- National Apprenticeship Service (NAS)
- Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Contact us
Angela Quirk, Senior Adviser
Telephone: 07769301971