Council plan

Our council plan, including the challenges we face, our key priorities, and how we aim to achieve them.

Council plan

This is our first Cumberland Council Plan and outlines what we want to focus on in our first four years. It also describes how we want our new council to work and what residents can expect from us. 

We are excited by the opportunity we have. As a unitary authority we can join up services and deliver at a scale that has not been available to us before. We will use these opportunities to create a council that engages with and empowers residents whilst using our strengths, influence and willingness to do things differently to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in Cumberland. 

We are also aware that the scale of some of the challenges we face is significant. This plan has been developed as the economy recovers from the impacts of Covid-19 and the country faces the worst cost of living crisis for a generation. 

This Plan is a way forward. It can’t detail everything that we will do over the next few years, but it does provide a sense of the direction we are heading in and the positive impact we will make together

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is:

Cumberland Council takes a fresh approach to the delivery of inclusive services that are shaped by our residents and communities. By enabling positive outcomes for health and wellbeing, prosperity and the environment we will fulfil the potential of our people and our area.

Our values are that in everything we do we aim to be:​

  • compassionate​
  • innovative
  • empowering​
  • ambitious​
  • collaborative​

We believe passionately in the delivery of excellent public services. To do that we need to be clear about the values and behaviours that we need to drive change and achieve our high standards​.

Consultation on the draft Council Plan

We'd like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation held throughout August and into early September 2022 on our draft plan. We received hundreds of responses online as well as via our drop-in sessions throughout the area, and as part of our online discussions with members of the public and partner organisations.

These will be collated and considered as part of our review of the Council Plan.

After the consultation held over the Summer in 2022, the Council Plan was revised slightly. It was agreed at the Shadow Executive on 19 September 2022, that this revised edition was agreed by the Full Shadow Council at a meeting on 18 October 2022.

Read the Cumberland Council Plan

The Cumberland Council Plan was agreed at the Full Council for the Shadow Authority on 18 October 2022.

An accessible version of the Cumberland Plan in HTML is available in the rest of this section.

If you require this document in another format (such as Braille or large type) or in another language, please contact us on 01228 60 60 60.