Council plan

Our council plan, including the challenges we face, our key priorities, and how we aim to achieve them.

What we will do

Health and wellbeing is affected by  a number of factors. We believe that there are four key areas where we can make the biggest impact to improve the health and well being of our residents.

The local economy can have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals. We want to enable the move to an economy that builds wealth locally and offers opportunities for everyone and people have the skills to take them. We want to achieve greater social value in public sector procurements, exploring more ways of retaining wealth within our community. We will seek to utilise our assets as a catalyst for economic activity, generating opportunities for residents, businesses, social enterprises and the community and voluntary sector alike.

The environment in which our people live has a huge impact on health and wellbeing. The climate and environmental emergency demands our attention, our leadership and our action. The repercussions of inaction will be significant for our local economy and our services. We want to support the growth of a low carbon economy by working with others to identify opportunities, help businesses and residents manage resources better and ensure appropriate training opportunities are in place. We want to help the most vulnerable with issues such as fuel poverty and the impacts of extreme weather.

We want Cumberland to be a high performing council. Our services have a direct and indirect impact on our residents health and wellbeing. We want our residents to benefit from excellent, efficient and enterprising public services. We will deliver what they need, when they need it with a focus on collaboration, dialogue and delivering strategic impact at a local level.  

We are committed to addressing systemic inequalities such as racism, and making Cumberland a fairer place. We will take a proactive approach to delivering the public sector equality duty. We want our residents to access opportunities that will empower them to achieve their goals. Inequality continues to hold people back from reaching their true potential and we will work with residents and partners to challenge entrenched issues in areas such as health, education, life expectancy and deprivation. We have a key focus on food security and the food system. We believe that each resident has a “Right to Food”. This means that food should be adequate, available and accessible