Local Offer for care experienced young people - Independent options

Once you are ready to move to independence, we will support you with social housing or accessing a property in the private sector.

Social housing

We will support you in accessing social housing. This is accommodation managed by a housing association.

Social housing is applied via the Choice Based Lettings system. Registration is from age 16 and you can access this after the age of 18 and up to 21 or 25 years.

All care experienced young people, up to the age of 25, are a priority needs group for social housing. If you are living outside of Cumberland, your personal adviser will support you to access or apply for local options.

Private sector

If social housing is not available or suitable, we will support you to access private landlord accommodation.

We will help with your deposit costs and rent in advance costs. In some circumstances, we can act as a guarantor for you (subject to clarifying any liability issues for you and the council).