We commission enhanced residential services for adults with a learning disability, mental health needs, autism or a physical and/or sensory disability. These services are generally for younger adults aged 18 to 64, although some adults continue to live in these homes after the age of 64. We commission 22 providers to deliver enhanced residential services, both within Cumberland and out of area.
The maximum capacity of care homes providing enhanced services is 195 beds with a reported occupancy of 81%. Due to the complexity of enhanced residential services, it is difficult to determine how many of the vacant beds are admittable to meet the needs of Cumberland residents.
Enhanced residential services tend to require more specialised care, such as specific equipment, staff training and resources.
The provision of these services has been more focused within the large key service centres of Carlisle and Workington.
Market strengths
We commission a range of residential providers and are able to tailor services to meet the unique needs of each individual.
We have a positive relationships with local providers.
Market challenges
Gap in specialist provision in many areas, which has led to some people moving out of area.
Wide ranging needs and a variety of home sizes mean standardisation of pricing is challenging.
Utilising the available space within limited residential buildings, making sure to balance accessibility, safety and privacy.