


Pest control team member in wasp suit

Don’t get stung this summer

As summer approaches, Cumberland Council is reminding residents of its in-house pest control service.

24 May 2023
Silloth town centre

Sign up soon for Solway Coast Cycling Festival

Time is running out to sign up to take part in a new town centre cycle race, The Cumberland Cobbler, a new addition to this year’s Solway Coast Cycling Festival (Sunday 4 June)
23 May 2023
Cumberland Council and Westmorland & Furness Council logo

Cumbria Fostering launches campaign during Foster Care Fortnight

At the start of Foster Care Fortnight (15 May) Cumbria Fostering service, which works on behalf of Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council, has launched an appeal for more foster carers to help keep children in their local communities.
15 May 2023

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