Effective performance management is not just about systems or developing technically good indicators and measures. It is equally important to establish a culture that allows performance management to be approached positively.
We aim to develop a performance management culture that supports our organisational values as follows:
We are ambitious with a desire and commitment to have an evidence-based improvement approach and aim to support robust corporate and service planning and intelligence-based forecasting. We aim to improve integration between performance, risk, and financial information.
We will work effectively with internal and external stakeholders to share data and optimise service planning and horizon scanning. There is a willingness to share ideas and to learn from poor performance. There is good internal communication of performance management by promoting good practice and communicating successes.
We will ensure accountability and ownership across the organisation making sure this is in line with the ‘golden thread’ of governance from Council Plan to individual performance.
Forward thinking
We will be innovative and embrace new opportunities and technological developments to ensure we optimise our efficiency and effectiveness. We will make sure that staff are involved and appropriately trained so that they can suggest better ways to deliver individual, team and corporate outcomes. We will look for new ways to present and analyse information and provide insight.
We will foster a culture of being a learning organisation, empowering staff to test their ideas and learn from mistakes. We will understand our strengths to drive continuous service development and delivery.
We ensure we have access to robust, timely, integrated information at all levels to understand the impact of what we are doing. We will be compassionate, ensuring that our people have the right skills, capabilities and behaviours that enable them to deliver in their role, providing support, training, and advice where it is needed.