Performance Management Framework - Roles and responsibilities

Performance management is the responsibility of everyone in the Council. Accountability for performance follows the 'golden thread' of the Council Plan - which provides the overall strategic priorities for the council which then determines the organisation’s priorities.

Elected members

The key roles and responsibilities in relation to performance and risk for members.

Full council responsibilities

Approve the Council Plan, key strategies, and medium-term Financial Plan.

Executive responsibilities

These include:

  • approving the Performance Management Framework
  • ensuring strategic delivery of Council Plan and MediumTerm Financial Plan
  • evidence progress against corporate priorities
  • provoking debate about what should happen next
  • challenging financial and non-financial performance of all services • Receive quarterly performance reports to evaluate and improve directorate performance

Portfolio holders responsibilities

These include:

  • regularly monitor, review and challenge performance to ensure delivery in relation to their portfolio
  • participating in quarterly performance clinics with the Leader, Chief Executive, and directors to monitor, review and challenge performance (where required)

Scrutiny members responsibilities

These include:

  • holding Executive to account
  • scrutinising the Council’s performance, including via the quarterly performance report
  • undertaking specific reviews of any identified performance issues which can be undertaken through the Council’s arrangements for Scrutiny

Audit Committee responsibilities

These include:

  • gaining assurance over the governance of risk
  • receiving regular updates and reviews on the effectiveness of risk management
  • supporting the development and embedding of good practice in risk management
  • gaining assurance over financial and non-financial performance as reported


The key roles and responsibilities in relation to performance and risk for officers.

Senior Leadership Team responsibilities

These include:

  • overseeing the Performance and Risk Management Frameworks
  • overseeing the development of the Council Plan Delivery Plan
  • ensuring commitment to the delivery of Council’s priorities through the allocation of responsibilities and resources
  • taking responsibility for the delivery of the annual revenue budget, capital programme and Medium-Term Financial Plan
  • taking strategic responsibility for the delivery of the Council Plan. This includes reviewing risks on an eight-week cycle and reviewing performance

Directorate Management Team responsibilities

These include:

  • ensuring that a relevant planning and risk framework underpins performance with the Council Plan
  • responding to service and organisational workflow and workload issues
  • revising plans to reflect current activity
  • facilitating learning

We also regularly review relevant performance and risk at Directorate Management Team meetings. Formal service/Assistant Director review of operational risk registers:

  • quarterly - high-risk scores (Red)
  • half-yearly – medium-risk scores (Amber)
  • annually – low-risk scores (Green)

Service Managers responsibilities

These include:

  • contributing to and produce relevant plans and objectives which contribute to the Council Plan
  • seeking support to improve performance and review systems and processes
  • informing workforce development and continuing professional development
  • providing data in accordance with performance reporting requirements

Team Managers responsibilities

These include:

  • informing planning, resourcing, quality management and service delivery
  • providing data in accordance with performance reporting requirements
  • seeking support to improve performance and manage risks
  • managing staff performance and undertake appraisals
  • informing workforce development and continuing professional development
  • encouraging staff to seek support when needed to improve performance and provide support when requested

Individuals responsibilities

These include:

  • being responsible for personal development and performance
  • participating in annual appraisal
  • understanding how work contributes to the Council Plan
  • seeking support to improve performance and manage risks
  • raising specific issues regarding risk and performance with Managers
  • ensuring that activity listed within individual appraisals is implemented on schedule