During the work to transition from four legacy councils to a new single council over our first year, we have also been developing and beginning to implement an ambitious set of Transformation Programmes and improvement activity. We are clear about the future planned state of the organisation we aim to achieve, which is:
- operate with a balanced budget and financially sustainable Medium Term Financial Plan
- a strong positive culture with harmonised workforce that is proud to work for Cumberland Council, where colleagues feel valued, individuals’ strengths are aligned to appropriate worker roles, absence levels are reduced, and Cumberland Council is an employer of choice
- all services have strong performance against Key Performance Indicators and positive customer feedback, and are excellent in external regulatory assessment, compliance and awards
- a rationalised estate – operating from fewer offices and maximising commercial opportunity from remaining assets
- proactive early engagement with residents which supports managing demand and the implementation of a preventative model
- work effectively with partner organisations
- cloud-based enterprise architecture and forward-looking digital infrastructure that drives performance
- longer-term improvements to health and wellbeing
- improved processes and removal of duplication in service delivery
- an embedded ‘commissioning cycle’ approach in all service areas, including effective contract management and pipeline planning for future alternative delivery models.
Our Transformation Plan is organised within the following themes and projects.
Three key themes have been identified:
- people and culture, including projects - pay and reward review and implementation, agency staff, academy, overseas recruitment, recruitment and vacancy management
- technology and innovation, including projects - enterprise architecture, pre-front door (self-serve), remove duplication, enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management, digitisation and use of AI
- implementing the operating model, including projects - delivery of operating model, waste service review, review of Cumberland care, robust project gatekeeping, governance, policy, training and contract review.