Our transformation opportunity
Cumberland Council was established as a new unitary council on 1 April 2023 replacing three district councils (Allerdale Borough Council, Carlisle City Council and Copeland Borough Council) and a part of Cumbria County Council.
The local government reorganisation process has seen a significant change programme over the last three years. We have brought together four legacy councils into one organisation whilst maintaining the quality of service delivery to our residents. The complexity of bringing four councils together and disaggregating the former county council has been challenging but provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the way we deliver services and support our communities across Cumberland.
We set out an ambitious vision in our Council Plan that: ‘Cumberland Council takes a fresh approach to the delivery of inclusive services that are shaped by our residents and communities. By enabling positive outcomes for health and wellbeing, prosperity and the environment we will fulfil the potential of our people and our area.’
Delivery of our vision is being underpinned by our values that are in everything we do. We aim to be compassionate. innovative, empowering, ambitious, and collaborative.
Our broad approach to creating our new council is focused on:
- achieving long-term financial sustainability - realising £80 million financial benefit by 2027 by reducing overspend, avoiding cost and increasing income
- delivering high-performing, quality services that deliver better outcomes for our residents – using data and insight, technology, innovation and efficient processes
- implementing a new operating model for Cumberland – by managing demand, setting a new culture, shifting to a prevention model, early engagement with residents, and focusing on pre-front door and self-service.