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School information in this directory

For each school, you will find:

  • contact information
  • Published Admissions Number (PAN) and Department for Education (DfE) number
  • how many pupils they have
  • Ofsted information
  • school admission policies and supplementary information

Find out how to apply for a school place

Kirkbride Primary School

Kirkbride Primary School, Kirkbride, Wigton, CA7 5JR

Kirkland Church of England Academy

Kirkland Church of England Academy, Kirkland, Frizington, CA26 3XU

Lakes College - West Cumbria

Lakes College - West Cumbria, Hallwood Road, Lillyhall Business Park, Lillyhall, Workington, CA14 4JN

Lanercost CofE School

Lanercost CofE School, Lanercost, Brampton, CA8 2HL

Lime House School

Lime House School, Dalston, Carlisle, CA5 7BX

Longtown Primary School

Longtown Primary School, Longtown, Carlisle, CA6 5UG

Lorton School

Lorton School, High Lorton, Cockermouth, CA13 9UL

Lowca Community School

Lowca Community School, Lowca, Whitehaven, CA28 6QS

Maryport CofE Primary School

Maryport CofE Primary School, Camp Road, Maryport, CA15 6JN

Mayfield School

Mayfield School, Red Lonning, Hensingham, Whitehaven, CA28 8UG