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School information in this directory

For each school, you will find:

  • contact information
  • Published Admissions Number (PAN) and Department for Education (DfE) number
  • how many pupils they have
  • Ofsted information
  • school admission policies and supplementary information

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Showing 177 school(s)

Fairfield Primary School

Fairfield Primary School, Gallowbarrow, Cockermouth, CA13 0DX

Fellview Primary School

Fellview Primary School, Caldbeck, Wigton, CA7 8HF

Fir Ends Primary School

Fir Ends Primary School, Skitby Road, Smithfield, Kirklinton, Carlisle, CA6 6AY

Flimby Primary School

Flimby Primary School, Rye Hill Road, Flimby, Maryport, CA15 8PJ

Frizington Community Primary School

Frizington Community Primary School, Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

Frizington Nursery School

Frizington Nursery School, Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

Gillford Centre PRU

Gillford Centre PRU, Upperby Road, Carlisle, CA2 4JE

Gilsland CofE Primary School

Gilsland CofE Primary School, Gilsland, Brampton, CA8 7AA

Gosforth CofE School

Gosforth CofE School, Gosforth, Seascale, CA20 1AZ

Grasslot Infant School

Grasslot Infant School, Main Road, Maryport, CA15 8BT