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School information in this directory

For each school, you will find:

  • contact information
  • Published Admissions Number (PAN) and Department for Education (DfE) number
  • how many pupils they have
  • Ofsted information
  • school admission policies and supplementary information

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Showing 177 school(s)

Braithwaite CofE VA Primary School

Braithwaite CofE VA Primary School, Braithwaite, Keswick, CA12 5TD

Brampton Primary School

Brampton Primary School, Sawmill Lane, Brampton, CA8 1BZ

Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School, Mona Road, Bransty, Whitehaven, CA28 6EG

Bridekirk Dovenby CofE Primary School

Bridekirk Dovenby CofE Primary School, Dovenby, Cockermouth, CA13 0PG

Brook Street Primary School

Brook Street Primary School, Edward Street, Carlisle, CA1 2JB

Broughton Moor Primary School

Broughton Moor Primary School, Broughton Moor, Maryport, CA15 7RZ

Broughton Primary School

Broughton Primary School, Moor Road, Great Broughton, Cockermouth, CA13 0YT

Burgh-by-Sands Primary School

Burgh-by-Sands Primary School, Burgh-by-Sands, Carlisle, CA5 6AP

Caldew Lea School

Caldew Lea School, Ashley Street, Carlisle, CA2 7BE

Caldew School

Caldew School, Dalston, Carlisle, CA5 7NN