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School information in this directory

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  • Published Admissions Number (PAN) and Department for Education (DfE) number
  • how many pupils they have
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Showing 177 school(s)

Captain Shaw's CofE School

Captain Shaws CofE School, Main Street, Bootle, Millom, LA19 5TG

Carlisle College

Carlisle College, Victoria Place, Carlisle, CA1 1HS

Castle Carrock School

Castle Carrock School, Castle Carrock, Brampton, CA8 9LU

Central Academy

Central Academy, Victoria Place, Carlisle, CA1 1LY

Cleator Moor Nursery School

Cleator Moor Nursery School, Ennerdale Road, Cleator Moor, CA25 5LW

Cockermouth School

Cockermouth School, Castlegate Drive, Cockermouth, CA13 9HF

Crosby-on-Eden CofE School

Crosby-on-Eden CofE School, Crosby-on-Eden, Carlisle, CA6 4QN

Crosscanonby St John's CofE School

Crosscanonby St Johns CofE School, Garborough Close, Crosby, Maryport, CA15 6RX

Cumbria Academy for Autism

Cumbria Academy for Autism, Branthwaite Road, Workington, CA14 4SS

Cummersdale School

Cummersdale School, Cummersdale, Carlisle, CA2 6BD