Subject to available funding, and at the Council’s discretion, the Council will support eligible applicants and their families to access discretionary funding, when this is needed to enable them to carry out adaptations.
Caseworkers will provide advice on sources of funding.
Fast-track Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants under £7,500
The Council supports applicants who need simple adaptations to have these carried out as quickly as possible, without the need for a full mandatory DFG application.
Requests for stairlifts, showers and other simple adaptations costing £7,500 or under can be approved without carrying out a Test of Resources (means test). Applicants do not have to provide evidence of income and savings.
Applicants are only eligible for £7,500 in any five-year period. So, if an applicant has had a grant for £5,000 and requests a further adaptation within five years, they will only be eligible for £2,500 under this condition. Where an Occupational Therapy Assessment recommends works above the threshold, we will support you to apply for a mandatory DFG so that all necessary works can be completed.
Applicants may apply for a Statutory DFG of up to £30,000 at any time but will have to complete the full means-test.
Facilitating Care Grants
The mandatory DFG is legally directed solely at meeting the needs of the disabled person and does not include works for carers.
We recognise that the needs of carers are very important. We will consider family carers and paid carers as part of our assessment of your needs.
In many cases, adaptations to meet the needs of the disabled person will also support the role of carers. However, if there are additional works required to facilitate care, then a Discretionary Facilitating Care Grant can be awarded alongside a mandatory DFG. The sum of the mandatory and discretionary parts will not normally exceed £30,000.
A referral from an Occupational Therapist will be required to explain why the most reasonable and practical solution identified via a DFG would be unsuitable for the disabled occupants’ carers, and what alternative solution is proposed.
Some examples of adaptations to support carers include:
- allowing for sleeping accommodation for a carer (that otherwise may have been removed via a DFG)
- allowing for specialist shower screens identified by a carer
Discretionary Top-Ups – Deferred Payment Loans for Home Owners
Cumberland Council offers deferred payment loans to applicants who are owner-occupiers, who qualify for a Mandatory DFG but need additional funding. This may be because they have been assessed as needing to pay part of the cost of an adaptation, or because their adaptation is costing more than the maximum amount (£30,000). This applies to adaptations for adults and children.
Top-Ups are offered as deferred payment loans. This means that:
- a charge is registered against the property that has been adapted for the amount above the mandatory limit
- you make no repayments until the property is sold, or otherwise transferred (e.g. inherited), at which point the amount is repaid in full
- no interest is charged
If you own your own home but do not have enough equity to accept deferred payment loans (e.g. because you have a very large mortgage), see Discretionary Top-Up – Exceptional Circumstances Grant Funding.
Discretionary Top-Up – Exceptional Circumstances Grant Funding
Where applicants are not eligible for grant funding for the full cost of the works required, the Home Improvement Agency will provide advice and support to consider alternatives including:
- considering moving to a property that meets your needs or is easier to adapt
- reviewing the design of the works
- applying for charitable funds
We will prioritise applicants where:
- the applicant is at significant risk until the adaptation is delivered
- failure to deliver the adaptations means a higher level of care is needed, which the Council would have to pay for
- a child or young person may have to be placed into residential care if an adaptation cannot be provided
For Homeowners
The Council has the discretion to award additional top-up grant funding, in exceptional circumstances, to people who have qualified for a mandatory DFG, and where deferred payment option is not enough to cover the shortfall (usually because there is insufficient equity in the house for a legal land charge to be secured against it).
For Housing Association tenants
Cumberland Council works with Housing Associations to support residents. We will ask your landlord to consider options including them paying a share of funding or helping you to move to a more suitable home. We may award some discretionary grant funding if no other options are reasonably possible.
All Exceptional Circumstances funding is at the discretion of the relevant Assistant Director, who will consider the relevant circumstances, and the Council’s ability to provide further funding.
Maintenance of items funded under a DFG
Where the Council provides funding for items that need servicing (such as stairlifts and wash-dry toilets), we will include the purchase of an extended warranty and servicing agreement in the grant award, if it is possible to do so. Typically, the extended warranty and servicing agreement will be for 5 years.
When an extended warranty expires, the homeowner is responsible for servicing and repair.
For tenants of Housing Associations, it is the landlords’ responsibility to ensure lifts are safe, and to provide servicing, regardless of the age of the lift.
Removing adaptations funded under a DFG
Removal of adaptations will normally be the responsibility of the owner of the property. We may agree to remove items which can be reconditioned and reused such as ramps and stairlifts.