


Cumberland Council logo

Ash Dieback tree branches out over Cumberland

Cumberland Council is alerting residents of the disease Ash Dieback (also known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus), that is affecting some trees within the Cumberland area.
29 April 2024
Cumberland council logo

Investment in Cumberland's communities

Cumberland Council has agreed further investment into its communities as it moves into the next year of providing shared prosperity funding.
25 April 2024
roadworks sign

Roadworks on Stanwix Bank, Carlisle

Cumberland Council would like to update residents and businesses of upcoming highways work on Stanwix Bank in Carlisle, starting on Friday 26 April at 7.00pm.
25 April 2024
South Cumberland Community Panel logo

Investments in South Cumberland

An historical festival, solar lighting and a youth project were among the many fantastic projects funded by South Cumberland Community Panel recently.
24 April 2024

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