Before you apply, you must check if you need planning permission.
You may need planning permission if:
- your access point is to be constructed on an A, B or C class road
- your property is a new build
- you are changing the use of your garden to a driveway
- you are surfacing over an area greater that five metres squared (unless you are using permeable material)
- the access point passes over land which is registered as common land or a village green
- you are removing the grass strip in front of your property
There are specific rules apply for householders wanting to pave over their front gardens
Planning permission for hard surfaces (footpath or driveway) and vehicle access
Please complete the enquiry form in full and return to us so we can determine whether planning permission is required for your proposal. If any information is missing, we may not be able to process your enquiry.
If you need help completing the form
Contact Customer Services and ask for Development Control.
Contact Customer Services
Telephone: 0300 373 3730