


Cllr Carni Carron-Holmes cutting the ribbon on the Maryport Boardwalk

Over the Boardwalk!

Maryport’s new Boardwalk, which links two key destinations in the town, is now officially open to the public.
5 February 2024
Space event in Carlisle Cathedral

New Light District event announced for Cumberland

A new Light District event has been lined up by Cumberland Council and will be held at St Bees Priory on the evenings of Thursday 14 and Friday 15 March. Tickets for Space: God, The Universe and Everything - a spectacular sound and light show - are now on sale.
2 February 2024
Cumberland council logo

Cumberland Economic Summit

The date for Cumberland’s first ever Economic Summit has been announced. The full-day event, organised by Cumberland Council, will be held on Thursday 29 February.
2 February 2024
Christ Church clock

Time to put the clocks back in Maryport

The latest stage of a regeneration project in Maryport is turning back time - and that means the clock is now ticking for the reopening of one of the town’s most famous landmarks.
31 January 2024

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