


Carlisle West Community Panel and logo

Carlisle panel makes grass-roots investments

Projects to improve biodiversity, stage a community exhibition, and help older people with shopping are among those supported by Carlisle West Community Panel.
9 January 2024
Lakes to Sea Community Panel logo

Community projects funded

The Lakes to Sea Community Panel funded a range of fantastic projects at its latest meeting.
9 January 2024
External view of The Wave, Maryport

New name for Maryport venue

The Wave centre in Maryport is to be renamed after hundreds of people took part in a public consultation. The venue will be called Maryport Activity Centre - the choice of 30% of those who voted. The new title will be rolled out once building work on the facility is complete in Summer 2024.
5 January 2024
Market award

Cumberland Markets trader of the year award 2023

Cumberland Council is delighted to announce that the prestigious Cumberland Markets Trader of the Year 2023 award has been bestowed upon the Keogh Family, proprietors of "Country Flavour."
20 December 2023

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