


Car on Cocker Bridge Cockermouth

Cocker Bridge has reopened to traffic

The Cocker Bridge in Cockermouth has reopened to traffic this morning (Friday 15 December). The bridge was closed to vehicles following the partial collapse of the adjacent Old Courthouse building.
15 December 2023
Young family at home

A new approach for Family Wellbeing in Cumberland

Cumberland Council’s ambitious vision for family wellbeing took a significant step forward today, with the Family Wellbeing Programme having achieved approval from the council’s Executive Committee.
15 December 2023
Business and Community groups. Apply for grants

Apply now to improve high streets and town centres in Cumberland

Grants of up to £35,000 are available for landlords and businesses in Cumberland as part of a new High Street Building Grant Scheme. Managed by Cumberland Council, the scheme forms part of a package of projects which aim to support businesses within the Cumberland area.
15 December 2023

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